Flogging a dead horse…

in #feminism6 years ago

Ever heard of hobby horsing? I hope not, as it’s got nothing to do with being passionate about horses. Hobby horsing means running around on a wooden toy pretending it’s a horse - and by that I don’t mean children playing at cowboys, but girls even in their early 20s, who call it a sport, a 'revolution' (!?) and an example of ‘girl power’.


It just happened that a video on this subject started playing in my FB feed. I wasn’t really watching until a subtitle caught my eye ‘there are no boys coming and saying what we need to do or bossing around’. What?! Instead of having a man, a trainer presumably, telling you what you need to do to be a decent horse-rider you’d much rather jump around on a stupid toy? Fortunately, this is just an innocent hobby, but I’d hate to see the same logic applied in other domains where the teacher might happen to be male….
According to various news reports, this ‘sport’ is quite popular in Finland and spreading to other northern countries, where it is viewed as ‘an alternative to the more male-dominated mainstream sports’. Since we live in a world where ‘girl power’ is such a big thing, some legit horse-riding events have added hobby-horsing competitions. The more obvious choice would’ve been telling these girls quite clearly - ‘what you’re doing has nothing to do with riding a horse, you’re just fucking around with a stick between your legs, so go play somewhere else’. But then the official daring to say such a things would’ve been out of work and crucified on social media within the hour.
These toy horses offer the added bonus you can style their hair as if it were a Barbie, not to mention you don’t need to clean after it. Just perfect for this snow-flake generation.

On the other hand, hobby-horsing enthusiasts also get the much coveted victim status. Walking around with a bloody toy is a thing of bravery, because some of them are shunned by their peers who find this hobby weird…
What else can I say? My son used to have a beautiful wooden horse, but he got bored with it by the age of five… and my girl grew up dreaming to be like this:


Images: 1,2, 3.

Thanks for reading



Informative reading, thx.

i expect that this sport dont come to my country, cause we already got a lot of weird hobbys.

Brazil is a nice country with decent folks, I think you're safe!

What the hell is going on here? (I'm a Finn.) I don't follow any mainstream media though so that explains.

Lolol, those girls imitating that "horse stepping" or whatever you'd call those, super funny 😂

Well, we're already throwing Nokias, boots and carrying wifes – and playing football in swamp – so I guess I'm not that surprised about the inclusion of riding on wooden stick horses.

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