Unpopular opinions; A thread:

in #feminism6 years ago (edited)

Hi, my name is Javier Morgado, i'm a 16 year old venezuelan guy, the main purpose of doing this is because there are a few of things that upset me the most and i feel such a big preassure of giving my point of view, so hope you can enjoy it.

NUMBER 1: Celebrities are NOT forced to speak out in public about their politics beliefs

-i want to start with this one since i've witnessed so many artists being called out for not "speaking out" about their politics beliefs, such as taylor swift, selena gomez and shawn mendes. People procceded to call them "BIGOTS" for not letting out what they think about trump being the USA president, and honestly i don't know what's the point of wanting people to speak out publically about something you LIKELY disagree or agree with, i mean that's not relevant, if you would like to see people discussing their political point of view then search for politicans and not for celebrities, there are a few of celebrities who are outspoken about their political view (such as Lauren Jauregui, Demi Lovato, Ariana Grande and the list goes on and on) but stop attacking celebrities for wanting to actually keep the little privacy they still have.


NUMBER 2: Stop hating feminisn without having an idea of what actually means the term

-Lately has been this trending of people hating on feminist, and judging people who support this movement more because they don't understand neither want to. Feminisn's friendly concept would be "the political and social equality of sexes" but if we actually realize, we're living in a patriarchal society where men have more power above women, whether you like it or not, it is what it is, Woman tend to be attacked, killed and also sexually assaulted just by the fact that they are seen such as OBJECTS, the "other" by men, there are many people who have amazingly explained this, you all should give a look for it, and last point is: FEMINISN IS NOT ABOUT MEN BASHING AT ALL.


NUMBER 3: it's about time to take out the stigma that involed the mental illnesses

-As someone who is close to this person who have a mental illness this is so horrible, how they can get judged just by suffering something mentally. Just because you don't feel anxiety, deppresion (talking about the real one who makes you down about everything and not the one who get you down by two mins) etc it doesn't mean they don't exist, this should be globally recognized as an ILLNESS, they're not pretending to have it, they're not pretending ANYTHING, science have many times explained this, and it's real, verified but people still tend to judge them by saying "you just have to change your mindset, if you keep the hideous mindset then you'll be deppresed forever" like you just have to be happy to stop being deppresed? lmao what a bullshit, people who suffer from mental illness didn't choose to, stop attacking them and start having more empathy instead.



-As someone who can be identified as a member of such community, i don't like those labels, i don't like to call myself "gay" in order for people to understand why kind of other people i like or i feel attract to, the fact that exists a "closet" where you have to come out because apparently everyone things that exists this only sexual orientation called HETEROSEXUALITY and it's the only one valid, it's pure bullshit, you can like whoever you want regardless of your biological sex, also when i was 13 and i decided to "come out" with my family they told me to experiment with girls like hey, i don't need to, it's just attraction, i don't feel that much attracted to women as i do with men, it's not that hard to understand, basing that homosexuality is just not having ENOUGH SEXUAL EXPERIMENTATION with different sex then we could say that heterosexual people need to fuck with same gender people so they can find out what they really like, just let people be, if they want to fuck girls, then let them go, if they want to fuck boys SAME.

NUMBER 5: RELIGION, this one.............

-Stop forcing people so get into religions or either attacking people who DON'T want to be include in one. My whole live i've been sorrounded by people who is religious in a extreme level so i've grown up with that mannerism of believing in god, but i don't believe him (however i'm open to the idea that someone bigger than us exist, so i'd be more like an agnostic), it's getting tiring of religious people playing the victim with this "stop discriminating people who believe in god" narrative, it's just so pointless and i haven't ever seen someone being bullied or killed just by having a different religious belief. This also goes with people who are strictly obsessed with the idea of keeping god's bible steps or i don't know 'til this year, it's been more than 2 centuries and i think religions change, people do, so why do we have to keep doing exactly what an old book says? don't get me wrong, you can but that "god made adam and eva to procreate" it's ok, but not all people are wanting to precreate nor wanting to get married, and they don't deserve to get demonized for it.


this would be the end, thanks


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

publically about their politics beliefs, such as taylor swift, selena gomez or shawn mendes.
It should be publicly instead of publically.

omg i'll fix it out, thanks

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