Keumalahayati; The First Woman Admiral in the World

in #feminism7 years ago (edited)

Keumalahayati, perhaps not many people have ever heard this name. While in the other part of the world women are still spending their life under the men's supremacy, Aceh which is One of Islamic kingdom already have its own Woman as an admiral. Keumalahayati is the 1st woman admiral in the world.

Keumalahayati, nama ini pastilah familiar di kuping org Indonesia. Namun, tahukah kamu di masa wanita masih berada di bawah otoritas kaum pria, Aceh sudah memiliki seorang laksamana dan dia merupakan laksama wanita pertama di Dunia.
photo : SejarahRI. com

Keumalahayati lived in the time of Aceh kingdom led by Sultan Alaiddin Riayat Syah IV (1589-1604). Malahayati received a military education and deepened marine science in Baitul Makdis (The Acehnese army education centre), built with the support of Sultan Selim II (Turkey Ottoman).

Keumalahayati hidup pada masa Pemerintahan Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah IV (1589-1604). Malahayati pernah menuntut ilmu di sekolah militer bentukan Turki Usmani yang dikenal dgn Baitul Maqdis. Selama masa pendidikan ia dikenal sebagai salah satu murid yang brilliant.

Her biggest achievements:
1. Commander of the Darud-World Protocol Palace of The Aceh Darussalam Kingdom.
2. An Admiral who leads about 2000 soldiers with 100 battle ships, her troops known as Inong Balee troops (Widower Fleet). On 11 sept 1599 she killed Cornelis de Houtman, a dutchman who intend to shake Aceh's rule and many of his troops became prisoner for about 2 years, including Frederich de Houtman. The base of Inong Balee troops were in Kuta Inong Balee fortress, Lamreh, Krueng Raya.
3. A diplomat and negotiator. It was after the battle against the dutch fleet, the relation between Aceh and the Netherlands was tense. Prins Maurits, who led the dutch at the time, sought to improve relations. He sent envoys to Aceh, and Malahayati was commissioned by the Sultan to conduct preliminary negotiations with the Dutch envoy, until a number of consent was reached.
Under the leadership of Malahayati, the Acehnese Navy is somewhat large with a fleet of hundreds of warship, and her reputation known troughout the world
The remains of Inong Bale Fortress
Sisa2 benteng inong bale yang terletak di Krueng Raya, Aceh Besar.

Pencapaian2 Keumalahayati:

  1. komandan Protokol Istana Darud Dunia pada masa Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah
  2. Laksamana perempuan pertama di Dunia yang memimpin sekitar 2000 pasukan wanita.
  3. Duta besar dan Juga negosiator kerajaan Aceh Darussalam.

KeumalaHayati died in 1604, the cause of her death is still unknown.
Malahayati tutup usia pada tahun 1604, hingga sekarang namanya banyak digunakan sebagai nama kapal perang RI, dll.

The grave of Keumalahayati and her husband, in a hill not too far from the fortress.
Kuburan Keumalahayati, krueng Raya, Aceh Besar.

#women #power #feminism #Aceh #history #Indonesia


A diplomat and negotiator. It was after the battle against the dutch fleet, the relation between Aceh and the Netherlands was tense. Prins Maurits, who led the dutch at the time, sought to improve relations. He sent envoys to Aceh and Malahayati, and Malahayati was commissioned by the Sultan to conduct preliminary negotiations with the Dutch envoy, until a number of consent was reached.

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