What is Patriarchy? Let's Look at Interpersonal Relationships

in #feminism7 years ago

The basic element of patriarchy is a lack of interest in listening.

Patriarchy is obviously more than a lack of listening and it refers to many different social complexities, but I will explain what I mean. I’ve read some really good posts this week as various members of the @ecotrain community have posted answers to the question, “What is Patriarchy.” I knew I wanted to post an answer as well, but I didn’t want to repeat anything I’ve read. Well, here is my go at it, and I’ve decided to focus in on the word with one specific lens. I’m in no way trying to argue that this is the way to make sense of patriarchy, or that I am addressing its most important effects on society. At the same time, I truly believe that the insight gained by studying human communication on the interpersonal (one-on-one) level can sometimes provide great insight into larger social issues.

I completely understand how it is that some people hate the idea of patriarchy, or bristle at the word feminism. Based in the fact that we all have one thing in common, an inherently flawed perception of reality, I have no problem understanding that many people simply do not see the same pieces of reality that prove the existence of the thing. When someone has found success and happiness (whatever that may mean) in the current system it is a sign that they have assimilated to that system and figured out how to get what they want within it. When someone has found happiness within the status quo, then of course they have no reason to see that some people will never find success or happiness in that system. Regardless of which side of the issue I reside, the other side seems crazy for not seeing reality the way I see it. To complicate this conflict, the very thing that defines patriarchy is the thing that will be keep the status quo from accepting it as truth.

image source: Imgur

The only way someone can see such a different reality from their own is by actually listening to someone on the other side.

Furthermore, by having achieved some level of success or happiness in the status quo a person can likely only imagine a system of domination and control, since mastering those ideas, or learning to bow to them is exactly what supports their success. Feminism is a threat to an individual when she can only imagine a system of domination and control. But feminism is rooted in a belief in a completely different system. So, before moving on, I want to establish two ideas from what I've written so far.

  1. Patriarchy is simply the social system that supports success by people who are able to master the dynamics of control and domination. It is important to note that although men have more typically been raised and educated to succeed in this system, women have equal access to the same game, but may be limited in their ability by the way they were raised or educated.
  2. Feminism seeks to change the system to one that supports the sharing of power so there is more equity in the public's general ability to achieve success and happiness. It is important to note that this is not all that feminism is, but rather it is one facet I am going to use for the rest of my answer.

Looking closely at relationships can provide helpful insight into societal issues

How do people in healthy, happy relationships share power? In most cases it isn’t so much that two people share power 50/50 in all ways. Instead, we share power in degrees. In some ways my wife has more power and control. In other ways I do. We have negotiated that balance over time, and it has involved some conflict. By genuinely respecting each other and having a genuine intention to know each other and be happy together, we manage the conflict and learn from it. Happy couples don’t avoid conflict or hide from it. There are two types of glue that binds people together. There is happy glue, which is produced from all the happy times together when we do things that just make us feel good. Then there is the conflict glue that is produced when we manage and resolve conflict. When we actively work together to manage and resolve conflict we learn more about ourselves and each other than during the easy, happy times. Happy glue has the strength of good old water-soluble Elmer's glue. Conflict glue is is like super glue, and it binds us for life.

In contrast, a person who wants to control another person unjustly does so with simple tools. The simplest and most effective tool for manipulating and controlling others is simply not listening, but this only works to control another person who also tries to control, or someone who simply doesn't have the communication competence to do anything about it. Codependent relationships by definition involve two people whose relational schema (the various rules we hold about how relationships should be) are based on control. Often one person plays the dominant role, at least on the surface, but there is a yin-yang concept at work in such relationships, and control is the overarching force at play. When a controlling person tries to control someone who knows better, the relationship usually ends relatively quickly.

Now, if two people get together and they are both generally kind and a relatively good match, control issues may very well emerge. We were all born into the bigger social system and to greater or lesser degrees have learned the art of control. Sometimes we learn enough in the relationship that we can change and grow without breaking up. If one person is more aware and competent, their best tool for helping a more controlling partner is to simply listen. This is how it plays out (albeit this is quite simplistic and ideal). Person A and person B fall in love. They are both charming in the right ways and they develop a relationship over time. Person B begins feeling insecure and starts to try to control person A. Person A picks up on what is happening and when person B tries to tell person A How Things Are Going To Be, person A responds by listening. When person B runs out of things to say, person A responds to what they think person B is saying. In this way, person A actually controls the conversation, and does not allow person B to control them. If person B is healthy, kind and reasonable, they will eventually listen too, and the couple might be able to find balance again.

Image source: Imgur

But this is not always how it goes.

If person B keeps trying to control, they likely are raising their voice, etc. Maybe they are even making threats. There is a whole continuum of possibilities at this point. If person A wants to keep trying, again, they keep listening, because they know it is the essential skill. We fight when one or both people isn’t listening. We raise our voices when we think we are not being heard. Two people not listening and fighting are really just fighting to be heard. But when one person listens it is like a ninja tactic. It’s very hard to keep yelling at someone who suddenly shuts up and listens to you. So a listener can technically control conflict, and that is the only resource available for someone to get a partner to change if they are ultimately a good person and want to get along.

But again, listening only works to diffuse conflict when one person is operating under a different premise of what the relationship can be.

Analyzing conflict on the rational level in this way is what has helped me develop a more objective view on the problem of patriarchy. On one hand, it is indeed oppressive, but one sticking point that detractors try to base their sweeping dismissals upon is that some people simply choose to be weak. This is similar to a person choosing to be in a codependent relationship full of harmful conflict when they appear to be the loser in the situation. Lack of freedom, frustration, fear, bruises and broken bones are a sure sign of not winning in that situation, yet some people stay. We know about this serious problem. People who dismiss the notion of patriarchy tend to blame the victim in such serious situations, which is not completely unreasonable. It is, however, completely unhelpful, and often just incredibly mean and serves to only perpetuate abuse. But to deny that people allow themselves to be victims would be absurd. Doing so also is not helpful to finding a real solution. On the other hand, my objectivity also allows me to see what it really is:

At its core, patriarchy is simply a refusal to listen to the other.

In the bad relationships that are dominated by a person who wants to unjustly control the other, not listening is also their primary tool. A person who tries to control:

  • is disinterested in listening
  • talks over the other
  • tells other they are wrong and discredits what they say
  • tries to convince the other they perceive reality in wrong ways

When the controlling person perceives that they cannot control, or is losing control they will often:

  • raise their voice or yell
  • make threats ("I will leave you," or "I will harm you.")
  • make insults

This type of behavior will often lead to the person being controlled to feel exasperated, frustrated, drained, angry, and/or confused. Sometimes the person being controlled will begin to believe what the controlling person tells them. In the most extreme cases the person's mental health can be significantly impacted.

Once someone is caught up deeply in such a relationship, the longer the situation continues the more dangerous it can be to try to get out of it. Speaking up against the controller can lead to a swift and violent response.

Does any of this sound familiar?

When I asked my students one day there is was any connection between the dynamics involved in relational conflict and that which we experience in society, they didn't hesitate to argue that there is, but they helped me see that the connection might be even more significant than I considered on my own. We focused on the justice system and how it is perceived by minorities. One student said that people feel as though the authorities refuse to listen to what they are desperately trying to tell them. He mentioned the Black Lives Matter movement as an example, and said that people who think BLM is racist or divisive just don't want to hear or accept that black people experience a different reality. Then another student added that even before that point, the same people simply do want to listen to poor minorities. For a person in power to listen seriously, with good intentions, to a person in poverty, or of a particular race they do not like, is almost impossible, unless they are willing to give up some or all of that power they enjoy. Just like the controlling person in a relationship. But patriarchy is the serial controller; the person who simply cannot imagine a different set of relational schema, and is petrified of giving up control for fear of the alternative.

To go a little further, when groups of people decide they are not willing to simply accept the system, they speak out against it. When the people they are ultimately speaking out against refuse to listen, refuse to hear what they are saying, and refuse to accept that their perception of their reality might be true, they tend to discredit what is said. The people in control tell them they are wrong, crazy, racist, etc. The people in control try to change the narrative from what the others are saying. "It's not a demonstration against police brutality, its disrespecting the military!" And some of the oppressed people start to actually internalize and believe that response. But other are smarter than that only push back harder. If they create an actual movement, and the people enjoying the status quo perceive a threat to what they hold dear, then things start to get ugly quickly and violence can result. But violence rarely occurs when people listen to each other with good intentions to truly understand each other.

I know it is a lot more, and it is also more complicated than this, but patriarchy is, first and foremost, a lack of interest in listening.

Are you listening?

Image source: Imgur


It all comes down to interpersonal relationships, the micro-aggressions writ large in social issues. And the great thing for me as a man about this post is, it reminds me to listen and to try to be better about that. I admit I have a habit of shushing my wife and child, and the truth is that you can do that, but after some time, they just wont come to you and share what's on their mind anymore. So that's another side of it: at the heart of patriarchy is a great loneliness and fear of intimacy.

I commented on an @ecotrain post, but I have to say is it a cult? :) It gets pretty left-field imho with all the anarchy and "property is theft" sloganeering. I read Proudhon in college and was into it, but I seriously dont think we can smash the state. Patriarchy is eroding and cracking .. in th end I really dont know. Maybe we do need a revolution, but I'm too tied into TINA (there is no alternative) and ultimately I'm afraid of change on that scale. In the patriarchy maybe I'm afraid of losing my power as a person with a penis. :)
Great post, thought-provoking!!

hey mate, as a member of the ecotrain

I commented on an @ecotrain post, but I have to say is it a cult? :) It gets pretty left-field imho with all the anarchy and "property is theft" sloganeering.

i can honestly say that i'm adverse to cults and haven't written a post about anarchy and we haven't had any discussions on that as a group. other passengers personal views are up to them. as far as being left-field! yeah i can go there!, but i'm also a super grounded person who has planted over 200 fruit trees in the past few seasons. We also haven't engaged in any "property is theft" sloganeering. You're always invited to engage in personal posts. Know, however, that we all have our own opinions and there are no "guiding principles" in being a part of the #ecotrain, except possibly care of the earth and each other as a basis!

---- on another note,

So that's another side of it: at the heart of patriarchy is a great loneliness and fear of intimacy.

fantastic insight! thanks for sharing.
also, it's interesting as you say with patriarchy:

maybe I'm afraid of losing my power as a person with a penis.

i've heard this fear in another way when talking about white supremacy or inequalities of power in our United States culture. as a society becomes more equal, those who held all of the power will necessarily lose power as others take it up. it can feel threatening to those used to holding power, but it's really just finally equalizing, also, if you put yourself in the shoes of the other, would you want to be a second class citizen?

i hope you can come to qualms with your own fear of losing power in favor of having a more equitable society and, if you can't, we are the ones you need to fear as that is our goal and aim.

My comment about ecotrain as a cult was just based on my brief interaction with @eco-alex who used an analysis of patriarchy to attack democracy. Although I followed his logic I also felt it sounded somewhat totalitarian to question fundamental tenets of democracy so then I wondered if ecotrain was a cult. But I was just being flippant so I apologize. Obviously bringing people together in the name of permaculture, homesteading, herbalism, & natural building sounds great and meditation and building self awareness are all important. On the other hand there are countless examples of experiments in alternative living devolving into cult-like situations.
As for patriarchy I agree with you, I was just responding to the post as honestly and forthrightly as I could. If you read my interaction with @kirkins you would see that I came to the same conclusion as you.

Sounds good. Thanks for your thoughtful reply.

Tha a for taking the time to comment @praguepainter. II think that in any subculture that gathers around any such topic or issue is going to have cult-like factions. To me that’s part of the diversity of thought and although I’m rubbed the wrong way sometimes (by any side really) I also still find value in some odd places. Everyone is at a different place in learning about, coming to terms with, and deciding how to address the important issues we face. It takes all kinds :).
I agree we are not going to smash the State, and I don’t know if I want to. Instead I want to keep pushing the gradual progress toward a better, more sustainable way. For me that requires striking a balance between my sense of horror at many things, and my belief that we can’t force change too quickly or something equally bad, or worse, might result. But even that is hard when I have direct contact with students are living some of those horrors today.
I learned first hand that gender based power is nothing worth holding onto. Everything from day to day conversation to sex is better, in my experience, when we are equals. But I’ve had a harder time giving up my white privilege. Thanks again for reading and commenting. It’s not an easy thing to hit the post button on something like this, so feedback is appreciated.

You are right. The ideology you prop up is based on removing power from those who have a penis.

Thus you openly declare yourself an enemy to half the society. I recognize this about you and those who support this ideology.

You openly declare yourself hostile to me with the goal of knocking me down a peg.

I see you are my enemy and will use force to defend against those like you.

You seem "triggered" and I'm sorry. You say you are a "chill dude" but you come across as histrionic. I could reply less snarkily, but I dont know if you care to listen.

It seems like you are the one openly declaring yourself an enemy of half of society. I don't know what manosphere propaganda you've been huffing on, but I think you are lost and angry. I am not your enemy, I am a stranger to you. And it will remain that way.

Its not about knocking you down and it's your illusion that you see it that way. The power dynamic you seem to embrace keeps you isolated and confused, imho. We can all rise together if we open ourselves to difference. So you lose nothing, you gain much more. Too bad you don't know that yet.

With all due respect @kirkins, it sounds like you didn’t really read my post. It has nothing to do with removing power and declaring anyone an enemy. Honestly, I really think you will appreciate the details I explain about sharing power.

Is ecoTrain a cult? Lol that is a good one. We are all different people. My personal view is that property is theft, for various good reasons, but im sure many ecoTrain passengers will have their own opinions...

I believe we have certain birthrights, and whether we ever finish with State or not remains to be seen .. but to me State is the cornerstone of war, oppression, and segregation in the world. It is becoming less relevant as our borders become less relevant due to the internet and global trade and communication...

Hope that helps u to understand me!

I'm hoping you got part of your inspiration for this from that very long link I sent you in my reply about education. I really hope so. If you read that in full then I think you're an awesome person.

'But violence rarely occurs when people listen to each other with good intentions to truly understand each other.'

Yes. Yes. Yes.


I'm listening.

I think you're becoming one of my favorite blogs on here. I love how you distilled this topic. I think you did well. You didn't miss the mark. This is a gut feeling that I've had for a while now. It's always there. Patriarchy is control and a refusal to listen. It's not about men and women per se, in the most simplistic terms. It's about that mindset. I agree with you. Cute and funny pictures, btw.

Please write more. I really enjoy these.

Hi @intspekt. Thanks for another great comment :). I did read that article you linked, and I’m sure it was a part of my inspiration in some way. I’ve been reading and thinking about this topic for years, so it’s hard to really know what my actual sources are at this point. Did you read any of my exchange with kirkins? It reminds me of the article you linked — the belief that some have that we must act out our most basic instincts or we are not being true, denying that a big part of our Truth is that we have incredible capacities to rise above those animal tendencies.

You post a picture of Ape. It seems to me that patriarchy is actually just the default state for most mammals.

For Rams patriarchy is determined by males ramming their horns into each other repeatedly. Rams that are successful at this game of butting horns move up the societal ladder of success within their own tribe, thus increasing power and mating opportunities.

The same for most animals with slight variations. For example with the peacock bird there is no ramming of horns but instead a display of color and dance. The dance and colors of a Peacock in some way relate to the health of the birds. Those who master this game also increase power and mating opportunities within the tribe.

I think humans are much the same. There is nothing wrong with "patriarchy" at all IMO.

I too like to look at animal behavior and compare it to humans. I think that can give us some valuable insight. At the same time, using it as a blanket to rationalize the way things are is called biological determinism, but we clearly are more than animals, and we rise above our basic animal instincts all the time. If we truly lived by the idea that we should just follow our animal instincts the world would be an utterly frightening place. I am all about wilding! :) but I also choose some civility. I appreciate your comment! Cheers.

Look at how popular 50 shades of grey is.

Women have a natural desire to be dominated. There is nothing wrong with that. Just as it is natural for a male of any species to dominate women.

I don't agree with the world view that tries to make the female dominate. It's not natural.

I'm not Christian either. I was raised by socialists and feminists and I reject that. I embrace nature.

That's why I'm passionate about jogging. It's a way to go back to our primal state, when you push yourself beyond the point of caring about pain.

This is the same feeling of domination which is the spiritual basis of male female interaction.

Please start embracing your animal nature it will be good for your wife too.

To say that women, as in all women, have a nature desire to be dominated is just not true. To say some like to be dominated is accurate. It is completely okay with me that you disagree with the idea that women should dominate. I don’t think they should either. I also don’t think men should dominate. It’s one thing to play into our animal instincts in certain contexts, like in bed when both people want that, but to think that then is the way we should behave in all contexts is just absurd and denies other aspects of our nature. I can assure you my wife does not want me to dominate her! To make that assumption shows that you have a relatively narrow perspective on this. I still haven’t read anything that shows a sign that you’ve actually read my post. Was there anything I actually wrote that you would like to comment on or discuss?

Ok, you say patriarchy is simply a refusal to listen to the other.

It sounds completely gender neutral. Yet the word itself comes from paternal.

Would you say patriarchy and matriarchy have that same definition?

If so why bring gender into the discussion?

@closetcanada can you please elaborate on your comment?

That’s a good example of the limitation of language. The denotative meaning of patriarchy is a social order marked by the supremacy of the father in the family of the clan. The term was adopted by sociologists to describe a society marked by males holding primary power and roles in government. From there, as we have actually evolved, partly as a result of feminist theory and the feminist movement, the word now refers to the same system that favors domination and control, but includes more women as participants. We rarely coin new words when such evolution occurs. Instead, we adapt the meaning of the word. It’s not my place to replace patriarchy with a gender neutral term, and frankly doing so would only serve the purpose of pleasing people who are really just opposed to changing the system in the first place. If you noticed, I wrote my post in gender neutral terms, because I personally don’t think it has all that much to do with gender any more. But if you’re going to argue that the word choice is somehow a flaw in my argument then it’s really not worth discussing. It’s just a word. But, you mention matriarchy. Matriarchy is the opposite of patriarchy, and a lot of people think it is the goal of feminism to institute matriarchy. That is not at all true. You also mentioned that you are opposed to socialism, and perhaps this is really our sticking point. I’m not a socialist, by definition, but I certainly associate the philosophy with my own criticism of patriarchy and desire for a more evolved system. I am wondering what you think about the relationship between patriarchy, as a social system, to the racial inequalities I elude to in the post? Does the same critique apply? For example, do you believe there is a natural order to racial inequity? I’m guessing you might disagree that such inequity exists. I’m truly interested in your thoughts in case the medium doesn’t convey my sincerity.

I believe there is such thing as racial difference but I don't call that inequality.

Take running. Most of the worlds fastest runners come from Kenya. Not only that they are all of a single tribe in Kenya, the Kalenjin. There are approximately 5 million Kalenjin on the planet earth.

Would you say there is racial inequality because the Kalenjin are predisposed to be fast runners?

My view is that different populations have differences. This may predispose them to various talents. Nature provides room for variation and specialization.

Thanks for adding to this theme with a very intelligent post! I agree people are not listening.. mainly because their desires and focus on self intetest and aquisition of power means they dont even care about the reprocussions of their actions.. that is why i feel that ownership of land and resources and unrestricted power are one of the main problems that we have to face today..

No problem, @eco-alex. I was happy to eventually get something posted. It is a challenging topic to write about in a way that I feel comfortable actually hitting "post." I agree there are definite links to socialism. Not necessarily with all the political connotations, but at least in theory. It makes sense that it is so divisive, as it is not just about gender equality. I think when a smart person on the opposing side realizes that everything they hold dear is at stake, not just how they treat the women in their lives, then it really causes a reaction. Its not easy. I've spent my whole life adjusting my world view, so I don;t expect someone to do it by reading one blog post! :) I know that really has nothing to do with your kind comment, but you know how it is :)

this is fantastic @cstrimel! I'm glad i saw it! i'm so happy you wrote on the topic. your post made me laugh at times and i find so much truth in it. i think this is a crux, indeed:

When someone has found success and happiness (whatever that may mean) in the current system it is a sign that they have assimilated to that system and figured out how to get what they want within it. When someone has found happiness within the status quo, then of course they have no reason to see that some people will never find success or happiness in that system.

we simply can't discuss things that people don't see for varying reasons.

i completely agree that the foundation of not listening has its roots in patriarchy/or is an offspring of the resulting need for control. being a natural listener, it's been interesting to go through life meeting other listeners and finding people who "talk at you". Receptivity and space // or being able to "take someone else in" is kind of rare in the larger mainstream culture in some ways. I'm not sure why, but I think as you posit, it has something to do with control or perhaps a fear that if we don't interject ourselves we will not be seen or heard.

i've met some great listeners in my day and nothing feels better than actually being received by another. again, glad you chimed in~perhaps you'll feel inspired to weigh in on our next #ecotrain topic, too- matriarchy... either way, we'll welcome it! <3

Thanks for the thoughtful comment @mountainjewel. I have a feeling you’re a better listener than I am in actual practice. But that is one reason we write, isn’t it? To work through our own stuff and keep pogressing? I think part of my fascination with listening is that I also am really impressed by the great listeners I meet, and I know I can do better. You comment is just one more nudge in that direction. I liked you comment on praguepainters comment as well. I think he was being honest in the same way I was when I said I’ve had more trouble giving up my white privilege. There is knowing what is right, and then being able to folllow through with the right action. It’s a little embarrassing to admit that, but I feel like Steemit is actually a safe place to do so.

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