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RE: Feminist Rant

in #feminism7 years ago

To go back to that phenomenon where you don't feel threatened by looks, but most women do... Why can't you agree that this information was enlightening to you? Or did you already know that and choose to sweep it under the rug?

I understood it like this: most women feel threatened by looks, because they fear getting raped. I get that.

Now assume you knew how to defend yourself. And you knew that if the lusty looking man were to make a move on you and you just choke him unconscious. Would you still be scared?

How are we supposed to change the aggressor? How are YOU supposed to change another person? It's impossible. One can only control ones' own actions.

Assume it became known that rapists get the shit kicked out of them by their potential victims. Do you think that would not deter them? I think it would.
Same as, I don't go rob a bank where I know all customers are armed. I go where guns are not allowed.

So. My conclusion is: from what you wrote I take it that you get scared. I get that. You feel helpless. But the only thing YOU can do is arm up. Learn the techniques.


Yeah I would probably still be frightened of the need to get into a physical altercation.

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