FOO(T)D FOR THOUGHT by a Therapeutic Reflexologist (featuring @salorgirl as author)

in #feet8 years ago

When last have you had a good look at your feet?

Most of us don’t give them a second thought until we stub a toe, rip a nail or injure it more severely in some way or other.

We then realize, belatedly, that getting about in any degree of comfort depends largely on the two rather pedestrian-looking (pardon the pun) appendages attached to the end of each leg. These appendages are truly marvelous, miraculous even in their design and function. Consider for a moment the fact that they enable you not only to stand, walk, run and balance but also they are what connect you in a very real way to the earth and the world around you. Twenty six bones, 33 complex joints, over a hundred muscles, and numerous tendons and ligaments which are able to move about varying weights over many miles each day, seemingly tirelessly. They are what move you from point A to point B and beyond. With that in mind should we then not spare a bit more time on how we treat them on a daily basis?

From a purely hygiene point of view, keeping ones feet clean is a seemingly obvious thing to do.

Clean water, soap and a nailbrush are basic requirements for clean feet. One would think that these would be employed regularly to that end. But as a reflexologist I can tell you that that is not always the case. Toe jam is an occupational hazard! (And I am not talking about superficial dirt or lint from socks or hose: which I do clean anyway as a matter of course and preparation for treatment) I have often had to WASH the client’s feet before commencing with a foot reflexology treatment. It is particularly worrying when the person is a diabetic and is not doing regular checks on their feet. A small cut or a bad case of athletes feet overlooked can lead to a secondary infection or worse in the case of a diabetic. Drying one’s feet thoroughly, particularly between the toes, is also a simple thing to do, but do we take the time to do it? Aerating the feet after a bath/shower is also a good habit to develop. Walking around barefoot is a great way to do that. It allows your feet to relax completely and to reconnect with the earth without the artificial barriers created by our footwear.

And speaking of footwear…

how much time and/or money do you spend on the selection of your shoes? Are you of the opinion that all shoes are alike as long as they do the job of cladding your feet appropriately for a day at the office or on the beach? I believe that all footwear should be chosen with care, particularly if you wear a certain pair of shoes for a prolonged period of time. The following points should be considered:

  1. Avoid synthetic materials wherever possible especially when buying a closed shoe. The feet need to breathe.
  2. Ensure that the foot is firmly supported in the shoe (good arch and or ankle support) when you buy it. Walk around in it before making your purchase.
  3. Make your footwear purchase early in the day, before your feet begin to swell.
  4. Rotate your shoes regularly ie: try not to wear the same pair of shoes everyday. It allows the shoes to dry out from the accumulated perspiration and prevents odours from building up. It also increases the longevity of that pair of shoes.
  5. Avoid shoes that squeeze the toes and/or the ball of the foot into unnatural positions. This will not only cause discomfort in the short-term but may lead to deformities or injury in the long term.
  6. Avoid shoes with a very rigid arch support.
  7. Very high heels may be sexy and elegant but they cause your gait to change, which will influence your balance and posture and not always for the better. Back pain/ neck pain may be a result of poor choice of footware.
  8. Always choose footwear for the appropriate activity you are engaged in so that your feet enjoy the maximum comfort, support and protection. For example: you would not wear sport shoes on a construction sight.
  9. Use a good foot talc, if your feet perspire excessively. Lightly rub it on to the foot. Do not put it into the shoe directly as it will decrease the shoes own aeration functionality.
  10. Invest in your feet. Consider spending a bit more money than you usually would on a comfortable and reputable make of shoe, particularly if you spend long hours on your feet each day. If you are kind to your feet they will be kind to you.

Lastly, always put your best foot forward! Until next time.


@gavvet features authors to promote new authors and a diversity of content. All STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author. You can find me on steemit chat but my queue is very long and I do take a while to respond at the moment


I hate shoes. Lose them at every opportunity.

me too...

Shoes have their place but must confess I kick them off as soon as I get indoors. I love walking barefoot over freshly mowed lawn and warm beach sand.

So is steemit according to some...

I think each alternate has it merits... and who doesn't love a good foot massage?

Its not "according to some". Also, if it was massage, better say it is a massage. Otherwise is a scam.

According to science Reflexology is a scam. And no. Each alternate doesn't have its merits. If you get sick you go to a hospital to treat you. You don't also go to the the magician of a south african village "because it has its merits"

Its a weird thing, placebos can sometimes be as effective as the real thing....

Don't get me wrong I'm all for modern medicine but that doesn't mean everything else must be thrown away with the bathwater...

and by the way i don't see anything in this post that modern medicine would not agree with.

Indeed @gavvet

Placebos can in fact be as effective as the real thing. Sometimes even better. I am disagreeing with that.

I did not say that everything else should be thrown outside the window. I also do not see anything in the post that modern medicine wouldn't agree with other than the use of the language. is marketing trick. a scam


Thanks for the share!

very interesting post @gavvet

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