Who created your feelings?

in #feelings6 years ago (edited)


Who made your feelings?

Who has responsibility for your feelings?

Let's say you gave someone feeling of unpleasant, and that person would feel anger, and you would feel sad.

Who created these feelings?

Your feelings are made by YOU, and his/her feelings are created by that person.

You have 100% responsibility for your feelings, and the others have 100% responsibility for their feelings.

In the case of the above, the trigger might come from you.

But anger which was selected are responsible for that person,

and sadness which was selected are responsible totally for you.

In any circumstances or conditions, you choose your feelings.

No one has power to change your feelings.

But you have power to change your feelings.

In this sense, you cannot control others' feelings.

It is impossible for you to force them to feel happy and joy.

This might be arrogant. Others have responsibility for choosing their own feelings.

What if someone said to you "You cannot be helped unless you should do this" or "You might become unhappy if you do this"?

You have freedom to choose to follow these instructions.

Also you have freedom to choose to follow your own ways.

It's free to choose the concept "I cannot be helped".

It's free to choose to take actions to manifest wonderful and exciting life without following these suggestions.

You don't need to leave your life to other's responsibility.

You don't need to live your life as the same way of others.

Maybe you would think that shifting responsibility on others is easy and safe.

But if you thought this way, your life would not change, and you would not be able to manifest your heart desires which exist beyond that frame of that concept.

You have free to choose to feel guilty and refrain from enjoying, or not.
Your responsibility is to choose your own feelings.

One of your life purposes is to experience fully joy and abundance in any circumstances and conditions.

Everyone has different paths.

Your heaven would be the hell to others.

On the contrary, you might feel the hell if you got the other person's heaven.

What kind of feelings do you choose now?

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