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RE: Not Everyone Would Like You. Contributed by @Olawalium

in #feelings6 years ago
To be able to create happiness, we can start by stopping forcing everyone to like us.

Forcing something can sometimes make our hearts disappointed itself. Certainly also we who will be tired himself if we think just a way for everyone to like every thing we do.

It seems impossible everything will always go beautiful and fine. There must be pebbles and tests we must face. But by passing and overcoming all the tests, we will feel the joy of success and happiness. How ever we will need rain to get a rainbow. We need the dark to be able to enjoy the beautiful star stretch.

People's speech and demands will never end. Maybe you will also continue to be tired of all the things that people talk about you. But do not let all that make your heart hurt. Keep creating your baham with focus on the best things you can do.

There will be people who hurt and hate. But also certainly there will be people who will always love and be on the side. Just how do we respond to it all. And one of the best ways to be happy in this condition is to release those who hurt and fight for those who have been proven to be sincere.

We have our own way to be happy. There is always a path that we can take for our good. If you can make many people like you with the good you do, be grateful. But even if not everyone can like and respect you, still be grateful. Being grateful is the easiest way to get the blessings of everything we do.


Hahahaha it keeps getting better.

People's speech and demands will never end. Maybe you will also continue to be tired of all the things that people talk about you. But do not let all that make your heart hurt. Keep creating your baham with focus on the best things you can do.

I really clicked with this. It is better to be respected than liked. People might like you and not respect you, but they don't have to like you to respect you. Do your talking with results.

Thanks a lot for this. Gracias.

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