Eggs of 1000 years? In China, they consume

in #feeding7 years ago

The egg is a food widely used in the culinary culture of many countries, including, for example, Spain. How good is one of potatoes with freshly picked eggs! True? Now think about cooking one of your favorite dishes that contains this ingredient with 1000-year-old eggs like those consumed in China . Now it is not so appetizing, right? We talk about this curious food below in Supercurioso. Do not miss it!

Canned millenary eggs, a coveted food in China
One of the things that gives China a touch of mystery is the title of many of its dishes. On this occasion, the protagonists are the " Eggs of a thousand years ", although in reality they do not have all that time, but simply, they are called like that. It is a kind of canned duck or chicken eggs. So that they acquire this aspect, they are buried in a mixture of salt, lime, clay and ash, together with dried herbs of rice plant, which is watered by tea during a certain period of time. The time they are buried can range from weeks to months.
When it has been preserved, the yolk acquires a dark green tone and the clear one obtains a gelatinous texture in brown color . At present, it is still done in this traditional way, although there are also more modern systems that include chemical products for the process to accelerate.

In the Asian country, 1000-year-old eggs are a very common and easy to acquire food . When eating them, they are usually accompanied with cooked porridge rice. These are achieved by cooking the rice with plenty of water for a long time, so that the mixture becomes a kind of porridge. Sometimes, pork is included to give a more exquisite flavor.

Another traditional way of making these eggs is to add them to a salad where they cut some tofu, sesame oil, cilantro and a pinch of chili.

It seems that it is a dish that you should try if you ever visit China, although its appearance does not get much through the eyes for most mortals.

Would you dare to try these 1000-year-old eggs?

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