What MAKES Hip Hop on Steemit? We need your FeedbacksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #feedbackchain6 years ago

We want to know what makes our small but special Hip Hop Community here on Steemit tick!

feedback chain.jpg

It's been 4 months since we kicked off the @hhtb initiative and it's been a crazy ride! We've seen the growth of the community in so many ways with Contests, Cyphers, Challenges and a whole lot more. We notice you and commend you all for your contributions to putting Hip Hop on the Blockchain!

we need your...


Let's keep the question simple yet thought provoking so we can work together in the comments section of this post to find solutions that can help us all grow.

As a part of @sndbox we were asked how we could create more engagement on our posts and with you, the community, by using a #feedbackchain. We hope this idea will also inspire and help you answer the following question.

"What is the biggest problem you face on Steemit to get engagement and support of your content?"

Now, when you ask for something, it's also important to give back. It will be our effort to also engage with YOU as members of the community doing Hip Hop on the Blockchain! It's by no means an easy feat, but you can help us out by tagging #hhtb in any posts you want to draw to our attention (in case we miss them) and of course on our Discord for everyone.

We hope the question helps engage you in both thought and response in the comment section below. Not only will it help us move forward knowing what the community wants or needs, it will also help us all grow and engage more.

Connect with us off the block on Twitter + Instagram + Musicoin + Telegram

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Can't spell community with out unity, ya dig. More collabs, like a steemit artist album where everyone rapper submits a song....that's be dope!

You called me out on an apcapella thing.. mannnn I'm so overwhelmed with events and blockchain stuff I'm not sure how I'm gonna swing it though.. But yeah it's like you said, it's about collaborations. I know that Steemit is a platform for all of us, but it's a challenge having all related hip hop news or posts about collabos or announcements somewhere for all of us to see.. I think that's what @hhtb can do.. Maybe find a way to curate the best of Hip Hop on Steemit and be the place people come to find out what's popping and connect with the community

Yea, @burningzeal16 created a cypher that you have to call out three MC's, and you were one of my three, lol. Check the cypher out - https://steemit.com/firecypher/@burningzeal16/2018-steemit-fire-cypher
I agree with what you said, it's is overwhelming with all the contest, collabs, etc. We need someone like @hhtb for sure! Are you on choon?

Yeah man I'm on Choon. Actually the plan, as it grows, is to build @hhtb into an incubator similar to that of @sndbox with the ability to support Hip Hop projects on the network and curate dope content that's out there. At the moment, it's been too much work with the really small team we have to do this, but it's projects like the #firecypher that we should be working with for sure! We just don't have much right now in the way of "SBD" to encourage more people to get involved! Let's move this discussion to the Discord server!

We are all about collaboration! It is concerning that the platform could become a bit of an echo chamber, similar to how FB is, and that in doing these collaborations, despite being locked on the blockchain forever, they might not see the "light of day" outside of Steemit. You've been consistent with your posting and active, which is commendable, but not everyone is able to do that so aside from collabs, what else might be hindering our ability to get more engagement on our posts?

Maybe becuz how low SBD and Steem are right now, Before it dropped to one dollar people were more willing to upvote and promote. Also we need unity, there's a couple different sub-groups here on steemit and we all in the hip-hop scene need in one movement and one group. Just ideas my friend.

I would say that the community is relatively small still and everyone is exploring, finding their way and coming up with their own initiatives and projects. If we can get more of our real-world community on Steemit and they engaging with the community we might be able to increase the visibility of our content. Just a thought.

It's kind of like when mp3s started to flood the market and musicians were lost and trying to find ways to promote themselves. Except with the blockchain, we aren't really limited, it's just a matter of finding our potential and expanding on it.

I'm with this guy!

Im super active in recruiting and getting real world people on steemit.. And out of the 100's of people I mention it to only a handful go throw with the sign up itself and even less are consistent in posting most just give up after 2 posts... We need like a "how to steemit musicians guide" ... Seems like people wont eat if you dont spoon feed them, well from my experience at least...

Good point. I'm facing the same issues as well. In a way, we become that "guide" to a degree. I know @djlethalskillz has come up with a variety of guides and I think a few others have as well. But as it is with Steemit, eventually great info gets buried from the feed.

What we also need is a "Hip Hop Whale". This is something we hope to be able to achieve in the future through @hhtb so that we can help facilitate and foster positive growth on the platform for those active in our community in particular. For example, being able to help you guys generate more funds for your steem powered tour and so on. Meaning to say... We've like to have something like a @sndbox incubator for the Hip Hop community!

Love the idea of the #feedbackchain my biggest hurdle is generating legit comments on my posts. I think the magic comes in with getting other communities to interact with us musicians! Offering incentives for them to play our music in the background of their videos or something along those lines, i have a few things bubbling in my head forsure!

Yes most definitely. It's no doubt that a lot of people on the platform are also content creators of all kinds, so with many creators it's often a challenge for them to spend time to consume content as well. Incentives I think only go so far and may not be as genuine but it does work to a degree. If there was a way for people not on the platform to be able to upvote that might be beneficial for creators, but really we all just need a couple of whales to support our causes, band together to collaborate and create more cool stuff and get in the position to do the same for others coming up!

Still finding Bboy to unite and create good content about Bboy and bboy song. But currently it is really still a small community doing that

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes for sure! We have some good news.. We are working on a few ways to bring more BBoys/BGirls to the platform! It is surely a challenge to get our immediate real world communities to be on and active members, so we find our groups and collective here and continue to build as well as we can!

Thanks for the hardwork team. I will also find way to get more local Bboy/bgirl to be here..

Posted using Partiko Android

I feel like the biggest challenge artists face is getting attention from accounts that could support us. with so many bid-bots and non-artistic content around it seems like it is hard to get any attention. I love all the communities out there doing there best I will love to see more high-quality art in the trending section without a bunch of money put into bid-bots.

Great points! We have yet to go into the bit-bot realm, and we think we want to stay away from that side of things. So how can we do this? It is our goal with @hhtb to build this account into one with the ability to do just that, support dope projects and artists in their activities! We hope with the help of everyone here and the community at large, we can do this!

What if instead of finding a Whale, finding a famous Hip Hop celebrity to big up hhtb? I know it sounds crazy, but stranger things have happened. With cryptocurrency on the rise, it might be on a emcee's radar and a topic they take interest in. A big name might generate some attention and get some people onboard.

This something we have been working towards. It's important for us to have a solid community already somewhat established on Steemit (which we do and it's growing) so that it will make it more appealing to a celeb or someone who might want to invest into the account/platform!

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