Feathered Friday "Visiting Woodpeckers" by Sunscape

in #featheredfriday5 years ago

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I love the great variety of birds that I have visit my bird feeders. Here are two different woodpeckers that come to the suet cake and to the regular bird feeder. The first few are of a baby downy woodpecker and the others are of a Red-bellied Woodpecker. That one had one female baby this year. She always brings it to the pine tree near the suet cake and flies back and forth feeding her.

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It is always a pleasure to sit and enjoy watching nature nurturing its fledglings. Have a great day everyone.

#FeatheredFriday is opening the doors to all kinds of birds thanks to @melind010100 Share your photos of your feathered friends for us all to enjoy.

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Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Homesteaders Co-op -Sunscapes Soap Shop
Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations
Website - Sunscapes Soap Shop


Such cool shots of this one

@tipu curate

Thank you, Jay. It was a little tough since the feeder is so far away from my porch.

I am hoping when we move we will have a spot for a bird feeder or two, where we are now is no good for them to close to a busy rooad on our side of the complexx and not many birds venture into our little back yard

Well, I would say that you should make that one of your major considerations upon finding a new home.... just saying! ;-)

Ohh it is on the top of my list perhaps not so high on my wifes LOL

Brilliant click

Posted using Partiko Android

Very nice photos! You were very fast to shoot this little bird! Nice red cap he had on!

Hi kaminchan, how are you? The woodpeckers are so fun to watch and try to take a photo too. They are fast birds.

Hey! Very busy thus week!
Intense waves of energy at times. Got to be alert on my toes all the time! So much happening all around and inside universe.
Many planets must be moving at the same time! I need my guardians to come closer!

I have to agree. Very intense this week. We must be increasing in our vibration and doing some more releasing. No worries, the Universe has your back. ;-) Cards will be up on Tuesday.

Lovely photos of your woodpecker friends! They are such fun to watch. Thanks for posting to #featheredfriday!

Hi Melinda, it is my pleasure. I love watching the birds enjoy the food we put out. Have a marvelous Sunday.

Excellent photos @sunscape, I would like to be able to photograph the many birds that come through the farm. Birds are hard to photograph.

They sure can be sometimes. They don't sit still very long.

They know where you put the food at 🤣 👀 🤣

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