Maggie May In March 🐦 Feathered Friday

in #featheredfriday6 years ago



formation with shadow.
Coming in for a landing.


Looking through the
glass slider door.
If he sees me that will be it.
No more clicking.

He was being
shadowy that day.


The neon birds the word
Rivingtons song.


Oh oh puddle!

Meltdown has started,
breakup beckons.


Rod Stewart song Maggie May

Happy Feathered Friday!

Clicking the photos makes them bigger
Click again zooms them in.



#featheredfriday by @keithboone

Feathered Friday
With A Smaller Camera


#photocircle by @photocircle

#phototalent by @phototalent

#birding by @ ?


March 7th 2019 10:01 PM Alaska



Wake up Maggie I think I got something to say to you...
"Welcome to Feathered Friday!"

I love magpies, they are so cool. Love the puddle photo with the ripple effect! Voted & resteemed, have a great weekend :-)

I'm awake now, what you got to say? lol
Thank you so much @keithboone! :-)
A little more melting and everything here
will look like that ripple!

The magpies here split real fast if they see
me, unlike the grey jays want to be seen
and will flutter in front of the window and
even tap at it sometimes!

Ummm... It's late September and I really should be back in School??? No, they'd take one look at my grey hair and throw me out :-)

Oh no not school it's time for summer and some
Sunshine on my shoulders! :-)

I LOVE him and his shadow! Great photos!
.I had a murder of about 50 crows come into the yard this morning and they all took baths in the creek. Some would stay in the treetops while others went down and splashed around and then the wet ones would go up and preen and fluff while the others went down and took their turns getting clean. The noise was incredible and they made my day! There is too much undergrowth and brush down where they were at and I couldn't get a clear shot. But I watched them for over an hour before they finally decided to make their way up river, they made me late getting my shadow contest posts created today!

Whoa 50 crows! must of been a heck of a sight!
Around this time we also seen some crows in
trees on the way to town. Been awhile since seeing
them gathered. Must be telling each other all the
wonderful new spring things to see and do lol

I was wondering why the posts were later lol
Was waiting to vote before going to town! :-))

Sometimes watching crows is more important than Steem. I'm taking a break from Steem this week and trying to only do minimal amounts here. I was doing too much and it was no longer fun.

I LOVE him and his shadow! Great photos!
.I had a murder of about 50 crows come into the yard this morning and they all took baths in the creek. Some would stay in the treetops while others went down and splashed around and then the wet ones would go up and preen and fluff while the others went down and took their turns getting clean. The noise was incredible and they made my day! There is too much undergrowth and brush down where they were at and I couldn't get a clear shot. But I watched them for over an hour before they finally decided to make their way up river. They made me late getting my shadow contest posts created today!

Wow! Great capture of that magpie coming in for a landing. And I know how happy you were to get that extra added bonus shadow. Way to go @shasta! : )

I just wanted to let you know that I am starting a new tag on Thursday #butterflyday. The #bugpub or #insectpub will start at a later date. So while you are out and about, don't forget to look for butterflies and insects.

Totally and I'd been hoarding that one awhile lol
Ooooooo new tags!!!!!
We do have lots of bugs here and they are about to
pop out if not already with the warmer temps, 40's
is way warmer than 10's lol
Not many butterflies tho, seen a couple perhaps
one a year, usually at a distance and they flitter
away real fast when they notice cameras! lol
You have awesome photos of butterflies and
bugs @whatisnew!! 🐝❤🐞

I hear ya about the temps. We are finally having a nice spring day here today and the sun is shining. Thanks for your kind words and I hope to see some of your photos of bugs @shasta. I just began the #butterflyday today and hope to start the bugs in a week or two. Hope you are having a sunny day too! : )

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