Birds of a Feather

Our wonderful world of flight #featheredfriday with @melinda010100

Some bird photography taken from various places in our region of KwaZulu-Natal, when out in the garden or going on walks, holidays birds have always featured high on my list of photography, most were taken before being more filled with adventure photographing on manual, taken with one of the Canon PowerShot cameras I have enjoyed over the years.

An African Hawk Eagle first up today, floating above enjoying the thermals on a spring day up in the Drakensberg, possibly hunting for food on the ground. Awesome how they are able to hover right above, stopping flight for a short period before moving away on the next breeze further up or down a valley.


Outside my window at home a smaller swift flying Little Sparrowhawk perched on the tree on the corner of our property, an unusual sighting one we have never seen again, perhaps moving along the coastal region flushing out meals of small rodents.

3551-Little sparrowhawk.png

A Fiscal Flycatcher sitting in branches silently watching us go by, birds on the move, free to come and go wherever they wish, along many of our river walks the smaller birds are more difficult to photograph, swift in flight between the trees.

2471-Fiscal flycatcher.png

African jacana tread carefully on floating vegetation with long toes, hunting for food on the move in shallow lakes. Nick named the Lily Walker, spreading their long toes and claws evenly spreading their weight using water lily as support to walk across water.

African jacana.png

Along the seaside the Grey headed gull sits quietly enjoying the sun, also known as a Grey hooded gull with breeding adults obtaining an all-grey hood.


Helmeted guineafowl a widespread southern Africa bird, which reminds me to search for the other guineafowl photography I took of the crested guineafowl not seen as often with it's curly head dress.


Back in my garden a Hoopoe demonstrating means of flight and color, stretching out in the morning sun, while another two are pecking around finding that bit of grub.


Each bird with distinct features sharing our African skies performing their daily duties, nature truly is wonderful! Thank you so much for visiting and have a wonderful weekend doing some photography.


Thanks to @melinda010100 hosting #featheredfriday

Thought for Today: The sky is wide enough for two birds to fly without their wings touching. ~ African Proverb.


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So many beautiful birds what a wonderful post

Variety is the spice of life with most things in nature JJ.

yes that is so very true

Fantastic birds to share today! Hoopoes delight me. I have a handpainted piece of pottery that I bought in Portugal that has a hoopoe on it. That trip was the first time I ever saw one. I love seeing all your birds!

So glad you got to see the hoopoe they are very pretty, I have some pottery in our water feature with two hoopoe sitting on the side.

Great birdie shots here Lady Joan.
You seem to be getting it right with the Powershots?

Small run around camera has always suited me, given me hours of fun Stephen.

So fun to see some different ones. That last bird looks really interesting and different!

Quite widely spread in warmer climates, this family of three must have been nesting close by.

What kind of birds are they?

Hoopoes are widespread in Europe, Asia, and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar. This one we refer to as the African Hoopoe.

Thanks! I thought it was a different bird from the one in the photo before it. Lol!

Great shots. Love seeing all your different birds, Joan. I especially liked the last photo of the Hoopoe.

They have stunning colours, love the copper against black with flashes of white we do see them quite often.

You have such a nice variety of birds. They are all so unique and different from our American birds. Awesome!

I have learned so many new birds from bloggers worldwide, love seeing the great variety in each country.

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