in #featheredfriday5 years ago

Hello all my #featheredfriday friends. This week has been so much fun watching a Robin's nest come to life. I discovered this little nest last week during my #wednesdaywalk. Thanks to @tattoodjay, I get out every Wednesday and do the walk.
This nest was so disguised that I almost missed it, had the mommy not flown into the nest I would have never known it was there.

Thanks to @melinda010100 for picking up the mantle while @keithboone is away on some wonderful adventure.

All I can say is thank you, I love all the posts I view on #birding, #featheredfriday it's truly a delight. I hope you will understand that I posted on Thursday, since I am having my daughter and friends visit tomorrow, so I may not have the time, but I really want to share my beautiful ROBINS with all of you.

IMG_1208.JPG So here I go, I hope you all enjoy the show...

Robin Red Breast is the national bird of England, but the American Robin is a migratory songbird that mark the return of spring.


Once I discovered the nest, I needed to document their progress


Sorry for the blurry picture but the dad was dive bombing me



It's amazing to me how quickly the babies develop


I will still document their development, so I hope you will stay tuned . There is nothing like living on a #farm, with @sustainablelivin with the joy of #homesteading and enjoying #nature.

This is where my Robins live, it's a blueberry bush, that we will harvest in mid July.


In the mean time, I will watch the development of a very special little girl, my grand-daughter Peyton


Stay in touch all my #featheredfriday friends, we gotta a good thing going on.
Have a wonderful weekend !!


Peyton is so cute and what a cool walk so cool seeing the new Robins Hatching

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

Good morning my friend. Yes, I am so fascinated by these little birds. AND so in love with our Peyton. Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful day.

Grandchildren are always so special, especially when they are young, I just spent the last weekend with our grandkids and even though they can wear me out sometimes they do make me feel younger :)

How brave of you to risk the rath of that daddy Robin to get these baby photos! That robins egg blue color is so beautiful. And so is Peyton! Thanks for posting to #featheredfriday. I'm under the impression that Keith does not plan on coming back to Steem, but who knows!

Good morning @melinda010100, it's really fun and interesting to watch the robins development. Just love our Peyton. Keith is out ? Really? That's a bummer, I always enjoyed his photos, he's quite the photographer, so creative, professional. As you said, who knows, the crypto world is so crazy right now. I hope #steem can stay strong, #steemit.com is a great community, with real people trying to make a more positive world. Have a great day!

I have no doubt about Steem! It is an incredible blockchain. There is so much happening right now, I think Steem is unstoppable!

Robin egg blue....we really can't artificially reproduce it!

Glad you discovered the hiding place. You are brave to get close enough for these pictures. The dad means business I'm sure.

And your granddaughter is a doll. Watch her closely, too, they change in the blink of an eye at that age. Just like the little birds. (from one Nana to a Grammy)

Hello @nana-nini, you made me smile Nana, and you are so right, those little babies grow and change so fast, but what a joy it is. Have a wonderful day!

Howdy farm-mom! great job of getting pictures of the nest, was it low in the bush? Great photos, God bless you guys up there!

Good morning my friend. The nest is low in the bush, but really buried deep in the tree. It's so well disguised though you really have to look . I was able to get the pix using a selfie stick my daughter gave me. Listened to me...hahah a selfie stick?? I guess old dogs can learn new tricks hehehe have a great day. God bless you and yours !

Howdy farm-mom! Oh I see, thanks for the explanation. Your daughter's selfie stick, that's an innovative way to get it. Is she a big one on social media?

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