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RE: Feathered Friday seeing double

Ok. I have a question -- and I finally came up with enough time to ask. How do you avoid lens flare? Do you just have to cross your fingers and pray? Or are you able to correct it in processing? How do you deal with it? (It is so disappointing to find a picture I like that is spoiled -- IMO -- by lens flare. Is that just the sign of a real amateur or what?)


First off no its not a sign of an amateur at all, trust me I get many shots with lens flare also, and I either do not use them or decide i actually like the flare and acentuate it in editing

But there are ways to reduce lens flare

If you have a lens hood its good to use it, ( somehting I often do not do )

If you have like I do a UV filter on your lens that can increase lens flare, if I see lens flare in a shot that I like but I do not want the flare I take off the filter, but the reason I have it on is if I bump the lens against something I would rather damage a relatively cheap filter than an expensive lens/

Dust or grime on a lens can cause more lens flaring, just wiping off the lens can make a difference


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