
in #fear8 years ago

Something I have been thinking about for quite some time now (after seeing a post on Facebook) is the idea of fear. I used to be afraid of your typical things such as heights, dying, etc, but as I've grown more and learned more about psychology, I've realized I'm not really afraid of anything anymore. I connected the dots between fear and anxiety and to me it seemed very clear that there was indeed a distinct connection. By no means am I saying that if you have a fear, you have anxiety, but the correlation resides in the opposite. Anxiety is written in textbooks to be defined using concepts of fear, which to me is somewhat silly because I myself often find myself full of anxiety but it isn't because I am afraid of things. Moreno my anxiety is beneath the things I stress over, ie. test scores, homework, school work, etc. I suppose you could say that my stress is deeply rooted in the fact that I'm "scared" that I won't get a good grade, or finish my work, yada yada yada, but honestly I'm not afraid of any of those things either.
To me, fear is something you can mentally decline. For example, as I previously stated I used to be afraid of heights. Moreso, I suppose you could say I was afraid of FALLING from heights, same difference, yeah? Anyhow, now the idea of flying, or cliff jumping, or scaling down the sides of mountains (as I'll picture below) is absolutely THRILLING to me. At a young age I was also afraid of things like haunted houses, or scary movies, but you realize as you age, you're no longer afraid of these kinds of things. I'd say it's typically because people fill your head with words of wisdom like, "They're just people in masks." or, "They are just actors/actresses." You can conceptualize this idea to any single "thing" you're afraid of though. Maybe this will be a little more difficult with things such as death, or extreme illness, things you can't necessarily predict, or know the final outcome on, but if you think deeply about it theres a way to tackle it. Death, for example, is something I learned from that Facebook post is one of the most common things to be afraid of. I was curious about the religious standpoint of people with that fear, whether or not those devowed to God or any type of religion are more or less likely to fear death due to their beliefs of the after life, or lack there of. Personally, I am not a religious person (although tomorrow night I am attended a "service" at a monastary to look deeper in Buddhism) but the fear of death to me became irrational as I grew older. Death is something that is just inevitable. We all live, we all die. As simple as that. To me, fearing death was as logical as fearing life, both are things we have no control over MOST OF THE TIME. I say this because of concepts like suicide, death penalties, life support, etc, HOWEVER living is something we truthfully had no choice on. Every person on this earth was conceived whether they liked it or not and were brought into this world by their beautiful mothers, probably screaming and crying, just like everyone else, with no choice about it.
Since I personally believe that death is the end and there is no afterlife, and I'm simply stating this, I am by no means trying to convince anyone of anything or change anyones opinion, I have found for myself that it was something silly to fear over. I can understand how those rooted in religion could show concern over the topic due to Heaven/Hell or reincarnation, etc, or how people struggling to pin-point their beliefs could worry over similar issues, or maybe those with a given amount of time left to live could worry, BUT I myself can't put myself up to fearing it. I've been doing a lot of thinking, as I had a lot of free time up in the mountains and outdoors while gone on my internship in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan I came to the conclusion that I often found myself worrying too much over nothing. I, just as I'm sure many others out there, have become caught up in the same routine and didn't even realize it. I was worrying over the same things everyday, week, month, etc, and found that I was letting stupid worries/fears put a damper on my life. I'm not trying to preach, or tell anyone they are wrong for fearing something, but damn, everything is easier when you just let it go.
Let me know what you fear? Fears you got over? Odd fears people you know have?
Thanks for reading!

Here is the photo I promised previously, it is captured on the top of the Porcupine Mountains at the Lake of the Clouds. Amazing experience.

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