Elites Running Out of Ways to Scare Us Are Resorting to THIS? Gimme a Break!

in #fear7 years ago

Social engineers have known for a long time that if you play on the emotions of people (especially their fears), you can pretty much steer them where you want them to go. Don't be duped.

I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

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with people waking up all over the place through the realatively free exchange of ideas on the internet and legitimate alternative news sources making a mockery of and running circles around Lamestream media outlets, it looks like the powers that be are really at a loss on how to keep scaring us into a fear-based obedience.

Keep in mind, there are two things the elites truly fear, an informed, critical thinking people…and alternative rivals to their fiat currency ponzi scheme petro dollar.

Looking forward to your next posts. Thanks

Such a hot topic, thanks for sharing

Somebody is planning something...

Thanks for the heads up, I have yet to hear about this and the date of the drill coincides with the statement of these Los Angeles freeway demonstrators.

People are always looking at ways to scare people into doing what they want. More or less blackmail/extortion through subliminal thought and pressure to get it right.

nice video

Another excellent video my friend.

Yep sure was :)

So many false flags and social experiments are proofs of this. It's why so many people have willingly signed away their privacy and rights over the past seventeen years.

Yeah great vid and work Brian !! But I think they are about to pull the plug on us and then throw us to the Antifa " Lions " We all need to be ready as its true the Beast is wounded and desperate !! theyll do it saying its the Sun, but actually it,ll be them !!

Nice post. thanks for that. I look forward to hearing more from you :)

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