Faxport(FAS)-Revolutionized Sports Industry Platform

in #faxport6 years ago (edited)


What does the project Faxport?

FAXPORT is a blockbuster platform for providing business services in the field of sports. Thanks to the decentralized network, the block platform directly connects the participants of the world business community in the field of sports, service providers and consumers, contributes to the active development of the world commercial commercial market and allows creating an entirely new business ecosystem in the field of physical culture based on trust, incentives, speed and zero commission.
The Faxport database for servicing sports business is based on the blockbuster. It was created to develop and carry out activities as a project team in late 2016. In 2018, the company Faxport Holdings Limited was registered in the Seychelles, while all operations were conducted under the guise of a holding company. Direct connection with world sports investors, service providers and consumers through the decentralized block network, promotes positive interaction in the world market of sports trade. This improves and raises the level of ubiquitous digital informatization in the sports market. And also, it is aimed at creating an innovative sports commercial service based on trust, encouragement, convenience, being also free of commission. 

Faxport leverages the benefits of block systems that are decentralized, securely encrypted, unchanged, and do not need central trust organizations, focusing on its use in its core business - in the field of sports investment, sports business database, professional social network, recruitment, crowdfunding and so on. It is a holistic ecosystem aimed at solving the problems facing the developing world sports market. It is aimed at attracting the user's attention, using mechanisms to encourage and resolve disputes.

Purpose of Faxport

  • Renewal of trust

Lack of trust led to numerous problems related to sports and people embedded in it, including the employees of the sports industry and sports fans, moving them away from the sports ecosystem. This hidden danger turned the basic value system, in which sports and physical exercises should be justified. 
Faxport will use natural decentralized and unaltered accounting technology to improve security and mutual trust while reducing abuse and creating a trust system for the global sports 
Thus, providing a platform for participants with a user experience based on trust and security. 

  • Establishing a network of messages for athletes

With the acceleration of the development of sports, the contact between those who participate in the global sports industry is growing simultaneously. Data from the entire sports industry covering the whole of Europe show that only 12% of employees expressed a lack of interest in completely new job opportunities. Based on the network blockbuster, Faxport created a "connection" for the sports industry. Using blocking technology to solve major problems, such as eliminating data accumulation, ensuring data security, 
falsification of data, it provides a genuine identity and is a resource for the talents of the sports industry dealing with network and recruiting kits, ensures overall performance, and also attracts talents of the global sports industry, creating a network platform for world-class sports talents, easily maximizing such functions, as an exchange of resources, business meetings and a set of talents. 

  • Enhancing mobility in global sports business.

Faxport creates a platform for servicing sports trading based on new trust mechanisms that not only truly reflect the corporate brand and its promotion, but also release an update of the entire brand value, which leads to the development of the brand around the world, while coming into 
contact with real international opinions . This is the industry leadership, in line with investment trends, and the impact on the government. 
The company clearly understands that growth trends in the sports industry mean active and easy deletion of regional boundaries, the joint use of high-quality resources of each participant and, thereby, the promotion of effective cooperation. 
As an investor, you can also instantly invest and finance any sports program in the world with the help of crypto currency. Faxport activates an assortment of products 
and services, bringing together stakeholders in global sports online.

  • Decrease in economic jokes

Thanks to the use of Faxport's artificial intelligence agreements, the payment system participant can easily verify the credentials and identity of the other party in the interaction and transactions on the Faxport platform, thereby increasing the transparency, efficiency and security of transactions in several ways. This significantly reduces operational costs, ensures effective coordination, rapid allocation of resources, and also reduces overall economic costs.

  • The product has already been launched!

Cooperation with the well-known in China team "Kuai Ti and the media" was concluded, in 2017 the largest database on trade in the field of sports was created.

Platform Faxport

  • Platform Mediator Fax Go

Even the modern industrial giants, who have the power to control public opinion, once grew up from small projects and companies. Only thanks to their own efforts and the help of capital they were lucky that they survived and took root in a troubled modern era. Perhaps the reason why many of the extremely interesting sports projects could not develop well or settled on a hospital bed is because for one reason or another they could not get a source of capital and attention to their rapid growth. Another aspect is that those who wish to invest or participate in investments are also not 
have the ability to communicate with the project side and with a capable, highly efficient platform. It is possible that this led to the fact that extremely promising companies and projects were buried. It was because of these obstacles that an independent module was born: the FAX GO support platform.

  • Sports krautfandingovaya site

Faxport plans to create an independent and key module FAXPORT: FAX GO. FAX GO can be a solution that allows interesting, worthwhile sports products and projects to more seamlessly overcome obstacles to capital financing and client operations. Or, in other words, FAX GO uses options such as community voting and smart contracts to build a technology solution for the block, combining it with FAS, BTC and ETH as the currency used to calculate bills, and creating a decentralized crowd-hosting platform.
Users vote for what they are interested in. Perhaps the object is competition, perhaps a pair of athletic shoes, maybe it's a young athlete who wants to attend training in Europe. Until this is part of the sports world, then this project has the right to be on the FAX GO. In addition, the platform management will ensure that each project can express itself appropriately, launch itself in its own way and, in addition, help potential investors to analyze and make a decision between these projects. This is a new vector in the sports commerce industry. 
Maybe you can create new Nike? Projects will be attracted to the FAX GO platform, where, in the future, the community will vote for the project. Voting users can become preferential investors and project participants in the course of formal public fund-raising. From the purchase of the FAS holding, the project team can receive real-time investment in real time, and the use and direction of these investment money, as well as the overall progress of the project, are recorded and displayed in detail in the block. This guarantees overall reliability of the project.

Business model Faxport

Faxport considers it its duty to increase efficiency and mobility in the entire sports market. In addition, the holding company Faxport Holdings Limited, aims to create a high-quality commercial model to ensure uninterrupted operation, supporting projects, as well as ensuring the stability and value of FAS. Part of the revenue will be generated through the maintenance of transactions. There will also be a membership fee for key users and customers.

Commission for Transactions

As an intermediary uniting investment and financial projects, recruitment of talents, e-commerce, transactions, promotion of advertising services for companies and projects, as well as cash withdrawals, Faxport will provide a maintenance fee that varies from 0.2% to 2%. The fee for servicing Faxport is much lower than the maintenance fee for traditional centralized platforms. This allows platform participants to feel comfortable, allowing them to freely conduct transactions, thereby contributing to the growth of the entire ecosystem of the platform.

Token and Active

  • Cost of FAS and FX 

The token, released by Faxport, is based on the Ethereum Erc20 and has a transaction code FAS. Moreover, FAS can be used to buy FX on Faxport (the cost of FX 1 is fixed at $ 0.1 USD) and allows you to buy all kinds of service products on the platform. To use FAS, there is a 15% discount compared to the legal means of payment (currency). 
The cost of FAS will increase as the number of users and customers of the Faxport platform grows, and transaction prices will grow on market segments of transactions in tandem. In addition, each quarter will be paid a dividend of 15% for FAS owners, based on the payment rate of the platform Faxport.

  • Using FX data provisioning

Each user who enters data will receive a reward in FX. In addition, users can set access rights and set prices for data that they have contributed themselves. When the encrypted data is acquired, the user who publishes them will receive an appropriate fee in FX

Promotion Mechanisms

Faxport is equipped with a full set of incentive mechanisms. These mechanisms are based on Ethereum smart contracts, are open, trustworthy and are subject to execution. For example, when a user enters data, the promotion contract will be started and will return a certain amount of the FX loan as a reward. In addition, the user can use FX to purchase VIP platform services, such as using full reports, 
commercial networks and talent selection.  

For more information : 

Website :https://faxport.io/?utm_source=BCT

ANN Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3247514.msg33816620#msg33816620

Whitepaper: https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/cdn.faxport.io/static/b02fac7d/other/Faxport%20Whitepaper%20CN.pdf/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Faxport_Global-150461205635116/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Faxport_EN/

Telegram: https://t.me/Faxportglobal/ 

Prepared by : pathi87


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