7-Day Favourite "This and That" Challenge: Day 4 - My Favourite Decade

in #favouritethisandthat6 years ago (edited)

Hello everybody!!!!!

Saturday.....Ahhhhh! My favourite day of the week!!! Maybe I should add it in this challenge, right? What is your favourite day of the week and why? Or it's too late to change the rules now? Oh well, I will stick to the original themes and focus on my favourite decade today. 

My very first thought was to say the 1990's as it is indeed my favourite decade. Even though I was born in the 1980's, I consider myself a 90's kid. 

And how couldn't I? So many wonderful things happened to me during the 1990s: school, eternal friends, athletic glory, touring with AEK around Greece and Europe, was introduced to video games, I started understanding music, my first love, my first kiss, my first this and that ;) 


However, I fully realize that by going back to a decade that I have already experienced (to the FULLEST), I become a victim of my own nostalgia and I miss a historic chance to go back in a period that I would have TRULY loved to. 

Now that I think about it, I would like to go back to the Golden Age of Athens and to be more specific the decade from 440 to 430 BC. So many WONDERFUL things of ecumenical and historical value took place during that decade with the icing on the cake being the construction of the Parthenon. 

That means that I would get a chance to see the Acropolis looking like this...


That also means that I would have the chance to meet TITANS of world history, such as Herodotus (Father of Historiography), Thucydides (Father of Scientific History) and Hippocrates (Father of Medicine). I would also meet two of the founders of tragedy: Sophocles and Euripides! 

Most importantly I would meet and talk to the father of the amazing Western Philosophy...Socrates. Arguably the smartest and wisest man to ever live!!!

What more could a man ask really? Maybe a cup of chamomile with great Athenian honey and some chit-chat with the world's most powerful man that Pericles was at the time? 

Or maybe attending a traditional ancient Athenian wedding? Heck yeah!!! Especially if it was accompanied with such a view!!!


The Rules

- Choose one of the themes each day and explain us why it's your favourite.
- Post a picture of it. It can include you if you like ;)
- Do this for 7 days in a row if you accept the challenge.
- Nominate up to three people each day.
- Tag it with #favouritethisandthat and include the themes that one can pick from.
- I keep this one from the previous challenge, so please follow @greek-trail for great content made by my fellow Greek steemians ;)  

The Themes You Can Choose From 

Decade - Game - Movie Character - TV Series - Website - Public Figure - Monument 

Today I nominate whoever wants to participate in the challenge.That's for today folks. Thanks for reading, voting and supporting my blog.  


Love this idea...

I’m finalizing my first this and that post as I type this response... and couldn’t agree with you more on your choice... but it would have been so hard to pick just one period from ancient times. So for this reason I used a bit more of a “realistic” logic in making my favorite* decade choice.

Official post to follow.

Cheers bro

τα καλύτερα τραγούδια βγήκαν τοτε..

Ετσι. Ο Βαλάντης ήταν ο αγαπημενος τραγουδιστης του Περικλη 😛

I think the this got confused for the that... xaxa


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