The favorite number is never accidental

in #favorite6 years ago


Is there any connection between what we represent - like character, life attitude, mentality or even a way of thinking - and our favorite number? Numerologists are in no hurry to say no. We offer their opinion:


By nature, lovers of the number one are stable people, yet sensitive and injured. The unknowns worry you, and only then you may feel insecure, so you are not inclined to take unjustified and unpredictable risks. You do not like loneliness, but you prefer it if your relationships are not stable. At first, you are good people, whom others can always stand on, but angry, most often referred to by your closest friends.


People who like the number two have excellent control over their emotions, which is why they are often thought to be unbaptized, but that is not the case. You actually boil and boil many different emotions. Your great advantage is the coolness that saves you in every border situation. Behavior gives you respect and security, and you can hardly break down in any situation. And nevertheless, you do not always have to be cold-blooded, human.


The lovers of the number three are internally confident, free-minded and valiant people who always speak the truth, whatever they value. The opinion of the people does not affect you at all, only what you think and do is important to you. Do not save your feelings or actions when it comes to others, especially to the people you love. But to strangers and relatives, you do not allow yourself to get on your head. Both as a character and as a presence are impressive people.


The key word for lovers of number four is stability. You are tasking, persistently pursuing them and convincing them to be fulfilled, whether it's about winning the heart of a loved one, setting up a family, advancing in the office or buying a home, because that's actually your idea of ​​stability. At the same time, however, you are often overly pedantic, which makes you worry. Sometimes you exaggerate your problems - it prevents you from enjoying the simple things in life.


The liking of the five is strong and confident people that can always be relied on. Your authority is indisputable, the word is weighing. You have a clear mind and a bad intuition. This helps you develop leadership skills, and if someone tries to play unfairly with you, they just lose the game. You have a high level of self-esteem, and you are often told more about others than you need because it does not cost you any effort. In principle, it's ok but not always worth it.


Lovers of the six are non-standard, unordered people. Thoughts different from others, you act differently than others, in general, you are different. People are looking for you because it is always interesting to you - it does not matter whether you will offer someone an unusual gift or make something that will surprise him pleasantly. In love, you are faithful, and full of unusual surprises, making you an excellent partner.


People, whose favorite number is seven, are both temperamental and principled. There is nothing that can make you apply your principles even if it is in the name of love. You are initially demanding to yourself and to others, so you do not communicate or rather avoid communicating with people who do not "match" you. You have no problem with loneliness, you are just self-sufficient. You are doing excellently with any activity as long as you do not interfere with it and do not try to command you. You were born to be leaders.


The "fans" of the number eight are the people of the comfort they enjoy in everything, whether it is clothes, food or anything else. You have a sober mind that tells you that money is a very important condition for a good life, but only because it will give you the freedom to enjoy the pleasures in it. It's hard for your love to be won, and you hardly fall in love because you think emotion is an emotion, but your partner or partner must also have qualities.


Lovers of the number nine have excellent analytical and synthesis skills, purposeful and consistent, have a living sense of humor and perfect communication skills, but they are often unpredictable. In an intimate plan, they form two diametrically opposed categories. One includes people who do not attract sex overnight, they want to follow all the traditional steps, because only so their enjoyment is complete. The other category includes adventurers who quickly change their boyfriends that they do not even have time to remember their names, but for a serious relationship they do not even think.

See also: Features that make you irresistible


Everyone would say that it is not possible to have people whose favorite number is 0, but they also appear to be one. If you are not just trying to originate, you live with the feeling that you are superior to others, but that's just your personal opinion. In fact, you are a socially insecure person and you prefer to observe life rather than live it, so if you try to adapt to others rather than vice versa, it will not be bad.


If your favorite number consists of more digits, simply add up to a one-digit number. Let's say your favorite number is 33. You collect 3 plus 3 and you get 6, which means that you are in favor of the favorite number 6.


If you have many favorite figures, according to your numerologists, you are people who run the lot, always with the same numbers.

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