Why was Covid-19 Gene Data That Could Have Aided Pandemic Research Removed From NIH Database. People questioning if this was ethical, but No Worries Fauci at head of NIH infectious diseases has wife at head of Bioethics for NIH! See how that works?

in #fauci3 years ago (edited)

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Chinese researchers directed the U.S. National Institutes of Health to delete gene sequences of early Covid-19 cases from a key scientific database, raising concerns that scientists studying the origin of the pandemic may lack access to key pieces of information.

The NIH confirmed that it deleted the sequences after receiving a request from a Chinese researcher who had submitted them three months earlier.

“Submitting investigators hold the rights to their data and can request withdrawal of the data,” the NIH said in a statement.

The removal of the sequencing data is described in a new paper posted online Tuesday by Jesse Bloom, a virologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. The paper, which hasn’t been peer reviewed, says the missing data include sequences from virus samples collected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in January and February of 2020 from patients hospitalized with or suspected of having Covid-19.


From Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
BIORxiv [our Bio Archive]

The origin and early spread of SARS-CoV-2 remains shrouded in mystery. Here I identify a data set containing SARS-CoV-2 sequences from early in the Wuhan epidemic that has been deleted from the NIH’s Sequence Read Archive. I recover the deleted files from the Google Cloud, and reconstruct partial sequences of 13 early epidemic viruses. Phylogenetic analysis of these sequences in the context of carefully annotated existing data suggests that the Huanan Seafood Market sequences that are the focus of the joint WHO-China report are not fully representative of the viruses in Wuhan early in the epidemic. Instead, the progenitor of known SARS-CoV-2 sequences likely contained three mutations relative to the market viruses that made it more similar to SARS-CoV-2’s bat coronavirus relatives.

Competing Interest Statement
The author consults for Moderna on SARS-CoV-2 evolution and epidemiology, consults for Flagship Labs 77 on viral evolution and deep mutational scanning, and has the potential to receive a share of IP revenue as an inventor on a Fred Hutch licensed technology/patent (application WO2020006494) related to deep mutational scanning of viral proteins.

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The influence of China on the United States’ reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic is now clear with gathered evidence mounting!
According to the NewYork Magazine
Daszak, a scientist who funneled millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology through a “charity” called EcoHealth Alliance, was recently removed from a COVID-19 panel at “The Lancet” for purported conflicts of interest involving the Wuhan laboratory.

Peter Daszak

  • a key organizer of a letter that described the hypothesis that the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus was ‘manmade’ as a “conspiracy theory.”
  • Daszak was on the WHO team who subsequently determined that the Wuhan lab origin theory could not be proven.

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Many have begun to question whether this is ethical.

the NIH said in a statement. . .
“Submitting investigators hold the rights to their data and can request withdrawal of the data.”

Is whether it is ethical to cover up perhaps one of the greatest crimes, if not one of the most egregious lies, committed by any government in the 21st century?

Hey, hey. . .No Worries for Fauci. . .His wife, Christine Grady is a bioethicist who is currently Chief of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center.

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Fred Hutch also has a license for this. . .

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See a very odd letter in here about halfway down


More information in here,

Fauci and Rand Paul clash over SUPER VIRUS CONSPIRACY

JUST IN: Jim Jordan says he can prove Fauci LIED


Thank you Great Warrior Robin Clark for the following link share!
Well worth the watch or listen while working or doing chores!

Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich 9/7/21
Chairman of IMCAM International Risk Management

Since 1998 from a corporate standpoint they have been the world's largest underwriter of intangible assets used in finance in 168 countries. . .so a majority around the world!

Their entire underwritung system which includes all patents and applications, federal grants, procurement records, e=government records.

They have the ability to track whats happening and who is involved, but also monitor many thematic interests for a variety of individuals, corporations and their own commercial use.

They maintain 3 global equity indices, which are the tp equity large cap ad mid cap indexes worldwide.

So it is their business to monitor the innovation that is happening around the world.

Specifically the economics of that innovation and the degree to which financial interests are being served and corporate interests are being dislocated.

Their business is. . .
the business of Innovation and Finance.

They have reviewed the over 4,000 patents that have been issued around Sars Coronavirus along with a comprehensive review of the financing of all the manipulations of coronavirus which gave rise to Sars as a subclade of the coronavirus family [In genetics, a subclade is a subgroup of a haplogroup].

Subclades are often referred to in genealogical DNA tests of human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups and human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups, where they represent subbranches of major branches on the human family tree.

A haplotype is a group of alleles in an organism that are inherited together from a single parent, and a haplogroup is a group of similar haplotypes that share a common ancestor with a single-nucleotide polymorphism mutation.

** Haplogroups pertain to a single line of descent.**

A type of coronavirus timeline based upon this information.

Made public in the Spring of 2020
M CAM has done a very comprehensive review of the financing of all the manipulation of coronavirus which gave rise to Sars as a subclade of the beta coronavirus family.




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