Happy Father's Day // Poop and Parenthood

in #fathersday6 years ago

Another Father’s Day come and gone. Hope all you fellas had a good one with your families. I did.

Me and the Boys
Me and the Boys

Earlier today I had an event that exemplified parenthood for me. I was at the store and happened to look at my hand. On my palm, near my thumb, was a dark brown spot. Without thinking, I smelled it. Could be poop, after all.

Wait wait… poop on hands exemplifies parenthood? Yeah, kind of. Stay with me—I’m going somewhere with this.

Those without kids will wonder what the hell I’m on and why I pooped on myself. Parents, however, will knowingly smile. Yep, been there.

Before I had kids, the idea of touching another human’s poop was disgusting. Unthinkable. Well, hell, animal poop too. But after kids? Seriously guys, kids poop everywhere. Even when you are careful with the diaper and the kid isn’t doing some kind of gross mischief, it still manages to get into strange places.

So why the hell would I have poop on my palm? I dunno. Why not? When I changed my son’s diaper earlier today maybe I touched some accidentally and didn’t notice until now. It happens. Maybe when he was running around some fell out of his diaper, he stepped in it, and it got on me when I picked him up. It happens.

And that, my friends, is parenthood. It is when you love little people so much that you do anything for them, even things that were once unthinkable to you. Not only do you do these things, but they become so normal that not doing them is the weird thing.

The Chaos Bringers — Warning, the smaller of the two might be poopy
The Chaos Bringers — Warning: the smaller of the two might be poopy

To all fathers reading this post: Happy Father’s Day, fellas!

(Oh, and yeah, if you haven’t already, go wish your dad a Happy Father’s Day. Guaranteed he had to smell his hand more than a few times wondering if it was your poop or not.)

Hi there David LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time. More?

Happy Dad’s day!
Your kids are cute.😊

Thank you :)

You’re welcome 😊

Beautiful children, beautiful post. Lucky Father’s Day to you!

Thank you :)

Can’t agree more. Still lucky to have avoided random poop discoveries

Wow, consider yourself a very very lucky man! I hope that luck continues ;) Happy Fathers Day, buddy.

Thanks, all the best for us!

Happy fathers Day dude! Check your discord real quick. No comment on the poop thing, it is what it is with us fathers haha!

Thank you, my man. Happy Father's Day to you too. I will try to check into Discord tonight after I eat. Tho I haven't been there for over a month so the thought of all the PMs waiting for me is a little scary...

For one without children (me) it's always an agonizing experience watching my siblings (with newborns or very young children) change their diapers or otherwise act oh so casual around very nasty things like barf and poop and diapers and all that.

Poop gets everywhere. It's like you'd have to put down a tarp first before changing a diaper, and it would still manage to get somewhere it ought not be.

Still, it is as you say: a measure of what you're willing to do for the ones you love.

It really is amazing! I mean, before becoming a mom the thought of someone throwing up on me was enough to make me gag! But now it's, like, nothing. I just do my best to make sure she's okay and taken care of, and then once I'm sure she's fine, I can go and clean myself up. You'd be surprised at the amount of stuff that you just roll with for the sake of those you love.

haha exactly how I felt before I had kids. Something like "oh my god.. can you just... put them in an airlock or something to keep that contamination away from us". Now, I pick up the turds with my bare hand if no paper towel is handy. Amazing what you get used to, eh ;)

Happy Father’s Day, brother!

Thank you :) Happy Father's Day to you too.

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