in #fathersday6 years ago

The English dictionary defines a hero as Somebody who possesses great bravery and carries out extraordinary deeds. A role model. The main protagonist in a work of fiction. I want to openly say my father possess all this and definitely that qualifies him to be my hero.
My father who happens to be an orthopedic surgeon who used to work for The leprosy mission international despite his tight and busy schedule at work, he remains a true friend that has been a motor that drives me to do my best in everything.
I got so much love and affection for him with the way he looks out and cares for us, even in his strict kinda lifestyle and this is all because he always wants the best for me and my siblings. He always wants us to be that good person with good morals and ethics of a high value, I used to share a very special bond with my father... I can remember my first drawing assignment in which all my efforts to make my friend help me draw it during the weekend proved abortive, I was crying on the eve to the day of submission thinking of the punishment I would be facing if I happen not to make do that assignment, and my father noticed how unhappy I was and asked what the problem was I explained to him almost busting out with tears he consoled me and made me understand that "no one makes me inferior without my consent" and that I can make do anything I want to do inasmuch as i'm determined to achieve it (my set goals), he sat down with me that night and made me do that drawing my self and when I was done i was so much amazed by what I was able to produce with my pencil the drawing was so fine and was much more better than what my friends would have drawn for me, I got 8/10 when it was marked the next day and that happens to be the highest mark, all through the effort of this being called MY FATHER
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This man has possess all the qualities that I find are ideal in a good person. image
My service to humanity today is all a modeling of what I saw him do while I grow up(he is kind and help put smile to the face of the needy).
My father is time conscious and punctual, a hardworking man and a perfectionist, he is so particular about being neat and clean by doing his works systematically so fastidious in his doings, he has tried so much in inculcating this into us his children *** I remembered when I had to serve a punishment all because I tore a part of my book for a class work, and this applies to my siblings whenever they have a squeezed shit on their booklet and this has really helped us in our day to day life ***
He is always conscious of his environmental issues and particular about not wasting natural resources, he believes in Reducing, Reusing and recycling the resources that we use in our everyday life(I learnt what improvisation is from him). image
I cannot repay all that my father has done for me, this is because he has joined the list of the departed souls. I remembered clearly that afternoon that my brother called to inform me that our hero is gone gone forever I couldn't take it that I cried profusely and with so much consoling from family and friends I had to let go so he could rest. But i know can make him happy by following and doing all what he has taught me from the day of my conception till the day he drew his last breath.
When he passed on I feel all sense of security was lost, my "fallen star" has left his mark and gone to find another purpose, most times when I take a look at my gallery and behold his picture there's always this cloud of tears that envelops my eyes, because it brings back memories of how good this man was to me, my family and the society at large( he cannot be alive and I would suffer not been able to pay my fee, he cannot be alive and I would be having accommodation problem, he cannot be alive and I would go days without food).
It hits me that I would not be seeing you again. MY FALLEN HERO



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