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RE: Being a father is a blessing

in #fatherhood6 years ago

Spot-on with the God concept. God doesn't expect perfect fathers, never worry on that. He expects them to rise to a challenge, which you have, so you're on the right track. Even the hardships of fatherhood will prove to improve you as a man. I'd do anything to go back and choose to have my son, even if it meant staying with a horrible woman. I hope one day I'll have another chance to make the right choice.


I'm sorry that you are separated from your child. Is it a permanent situation? Do you get to see him? How old is he?

It's not separation. My ex and I had him aborted at early stage. It still hurts 3yrs later.

One potentially beautiful thing that can come from your mistake is the impartation you can invest into someone else's life. Thanks for being open and transparent

Shit I am so so sorry man. My heart breaks for you. I now understand your initial comment fully. In Afrikaans we have a saying, "Spyt kom altyd te laat" which means regret always arrives too late. You know we all make mistakes brother. Some of mine include drug abuse and messing around with prostitutes. Others had to do with wasted opportunity and breaking down people relationships. 33 Years in the making and I still make some big blunders..

Those big if onlies can become such destructive drives in our lives. Chin up man, aim those pointy arrows at the things which try to steal what your boy would have brought you today: immense joy. Because that is your destiny that is your calling. Never doubt your position and royal right to peace, joy and a fulfilled life. It is always at our doorsteps no matter what!

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