Fat Burning Supplements

in #fat7 years ago


10 Supplements That Will Help To Burn The Fat Away Even Faster

Supplements have their place when it comes to losing weight, but they must never replace a comprehensively healthy diet. If you diet is in check, supplements can give you that extra kick that you need to bring about results a little bit faster. I present to you here, 10 fat burning supplements that you can start using today to speed up your results.

  1. Whey Protein - This is the most important supplemental product to have stocked in your cupboard. Protein shakes are great for conveniently taking in nutrients in between meals and are a must have after resistance training. This is because the body will absorb the protein in a whey protein shake quickly, as opposed to meats that take time to break down.

  2. Multivitamin - It is very difficult these days to have a full diet that doesn't leave you deficient in some form of nutrient. Think of multivitamins as a sort of insurance policy for your diet. If you take 1 each morning you will no longer have to worry about dietary imbalances.

  3. Fibre - If you are aiming to achieve and maintain a lean physique, then a high fibre diet is essential. Fibre helps our bodies maintain regular bowl movements and make use of the foods we eat more effectively. Aim to take in at least 40 grams of fibre each day. If this is not achievable through your diet, a fibre supplement may be exactly what you need. This is one of the most beneficial fat burning supplements.

  4. Caffeine - Be careful not to go overboard with this, but caffeine has been shown not only to boost energy levels, but actually helps your burn more body fat by allowing your body to use fat as an energy source.

  5. Zinc / Magnesium - Active people are usually low in both zinc and magnesium due to the stress that they put there bodies under on a daily basis. Both of these minerals play an essential role in muscle function and growth. Also, this combination of minerals also helps to ensure that you sleep well at night. When supplementing with these, try to take them on an empty stomach if possible, as the effect will be greater.

  6. Whey Protein + Carbs - You need to make sure that you have enough fuel in your body before hitting the gym. Having a whey protein shake with some added fast-acting carbohydrates will help to ensure that you are able to power through your workouts. Aim for a minimum of 20 grams of protein and 40 grams of carbohydrates.

  7. Antioxidants - Putting your body under any type of strain, whether it is physical or mental, will create an abundance of free radicals. These free radicals can inhibit your potential to put on muscle and burn fat because your body may not be operating optimally. Foods such as blueberries and acai berries are packed with antioxidants. Try to eat a handful with breakfast and another after dinner.

  8. Glutamine - This amino acid not only promotes lean muscle growth, it also helps to aid digestion and will give your immunity an additional boost. It is also very good at preventing your body from using its own muscle stores as energy and therefore preserves the muscle that you have worked so hard to build. A recommended dosage would be 5 to 10 grams before and after your workout.

  9. Creatine - Creatine helps out in 2 ways: It helps you to lift more weight in the gym, therefore maximizing your workout and it also aids recovery by helping to transport needed nutrients to your muscles. You only need to take around 5 grams of creatine daily: Around 2.5 grams before and after exercising.

  10. Casein Protein - Where as with whey protein, you take it straight after your workout, as it is quickly digested; casein protein is slowly digested. For this reason it is perfect to take right before going to sleep at night. It will provide your muscles with amino acids and other nutrients while you sleep and prevent your body from using your muscles for energy.

Now, I don't expect you to go out and purchase all of these products tomorrow. Also, don't be conned into believing that you absolutely need any of the above products in order to see results in the gym. Fat burning supplements and muscle building supplements are there to make our lives a little bit more convenient, but must never replace a well thought out and healthy.

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