Gratitude day 9 / Fasting days 5 & 6 - transitioning back onto solid food

in #fasting7 years ago

Going back onto solid food has been harder than I expected, so I suspect a food reaction.

Yesterday I introduced eggs. The first one was beaten up in broth, and I had that before going out to teach my Arthritis exercise class. The later ones were soft boiled. By the afternoon, I was feeling exhausted, and just didn’t have the energy to write an update.

Will I do better on fish?

There were a couple of other things that seemed a little off, and my weight went up slightly. Now that isn’t an issue in itself, and may not mean anything, but can sometimes be an indicator of a food reaction. So I suspect that I’m not going well on eggs, and today didn’t have any.

Today I used my broth to cook up some organic broccoli. Then added some sea salt and lemon juice and blended it up for a light soup I could drink through the day. For protein, I added tinned fish (1 tin red salmon, 1 tin sardines) and for good fats a couple of teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil. I’m still feeling exhausted, but I have been down to the shops twice and carried back heavy loads of shopping, so that’s a factor.

By tomorrow, I will hopefully be past the effects of any egg reaction and will be able to gauge whether all the new foods I added today are ok. On a strict elimination diet, I would be adding one food a day at most. But on an elimination diet, I'd already be on something like fish and vegetables, and right now, I want to get my calories back up a bit. If I don’t have any further reactions, I can carry on with new foods.

In a couple of days, I’ll recap on what my aims were, and how successful it’s been.

Being grateful even when things don’t go to plan

I don’t know what the parameters of the original Steemit gratitude Challenge were, but have my own guidelines for it.


My primary aim was to notice all the good things that are going on for me, and be grateful for at least something every day. Posting about it every day is only to keep myself accountable. Yesterday, I didn’t feel ungrateful but didn’t have the energy to even think what I was appreciative of, let alone write about it. Then I saw it was only myself deciding I needed to post every day and made the choice to have a break for a day.

This morning, while out walking, I realised that today’s gratitude realisation is about Choice. On Sunday, I was beavering away on a bunch of things (I know, I know, why wasn’t I having a day off?) including a new routine for my class the next day. When I saw I wasn’t going to get everything done, I told myself that the class weren’t expecting a new routine, I was imposing that task on myself and I could choose to finish it next week (or never) instead. Notice the similarity to my choice about posting the next day.

So here’s the thing – I’m grateful for being able to choose what I do. After all, we all choose what we do, even when we say we have to. But even more, I’m grateful for having that realisation that I’m my own worst task master, and reminding myself that I can choose differently. I don’t have to do everything I decide to do. I can re-decide.

Cracking the whip. Dang it, when I went looking for this picture, most of the pictures were delicious looking desserts smothered in whipped cream. Sigh.

Recap on Gratitude week 1

Again, this is really for me, and if it helps or entertains anyone else, that’s a bonus. I’m going to revisit my first week of gratitude thoughts to remind myself what they were, and keep them near the front of my mind.

• Day 1 – family
• Day 2 – small pleasures of the day
• Day 3 – we don’t have to work for “the man”
• Day 4 – where we live (the country, city, suburb and house)
• Day 5 – a bunch of small pleasures again
• Day 6 – Steemit
• Day 7 – having a great local organics store

What have you been grateful for today?

Thanks for reading.

Images by myself, @sift666 or from Pixabay, unless otherwise stated.

Follow me for more health, nutrition, food, lifestyle and recipe posts.

See my last post of 2017 for a full archive of 2016 & 2017 posts, by category

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We are lucky, also to live in a country where we have freedom of choice! Great post ...


We are indeed. One of my gratitude posts was about being grateful for where I live.

I've been noticing lately (and I'm 46!) how much of my workload is self-imposed. Ironically, recognising my daughter is demonstrating the same tendencies has made me realise I need to take a hard look at myself.

That's funny! I was thinking of you as well when I was writing about the Steemit call, and your list of what you're going to do this year. It sounded so good, but I know how much work it will be. Why do we do this to ourselves?

Good question?! It's justified if you need income, bit there are so many extra little things we do, which is not necessary!

I like # 7 Organic store. When in doubt eat green vegetables.

I'm sure you would love this store. Though for me, when in doubt is probably the worst time to eat green veges. My digestion has to be in tip top shape to be able to digest them, which is sad when so many other people thrive on them.

It is very possible that you have a type of allergy to egg. Many people are sensitive to the yolk of the egg. It would be interesting for you to know what has caused the reaction. i am starting to really cue in to what foods make me feel blah.

I'm going to use energy healing to treat myself for the egg sensitivity. Then in a few days try again. In my experience, more people react to whites, but some do to yolks as well. I'm going to treat the whole egg.

Sounds like a good idea. Allergies are no fun and if we can find a natural way to either avoid them or treat them we are better for it.

It is interesting reading about how your regime is affecting you. I wouldn't do very well with eggs, as I have bad reaction even to the smell of them. I know it is psychological but unfortunately that knowledge doesn't help. I need to lose weight, mostly belly fat and would be glad of a pointer in the right direction, is there perhaps a book you could recommend?

When a person has just one sensitivity, it's often because of psychological reasons. But it doesn't make it any less real. Sometimes energy medicine like Emotional Freedom Technique or kinesiology can help get to the bottom of it and release it.

The tricky thing with weight loss, or belly fat reduction, is that everybody is different in their needs. For some people, going on a green smoothie diet works wonders. But for others it's disastrous, and a low carb diet works best. But the underlying principle would always be to start with eating real food, and cut out processed foods.

If you go to my last post of last year (link is above) and scroll down, all of my previous posts are there, by category. Have a look at the ones under nutrition, and start with the ones there that catch your eye. Then let me know what you think.

Thanks a lot for the advice, I will go through the posts you mention.

I love this part "I don’t have to do everything I decide to do. I can re-decide." Sometimes I get frustrated with myself when I don't get everything on my "to do" list done. But often when I don't it's because I did something else important I forgot to put on the list to begin with! lol

Somebody once said - we can do anything we want, but not everything we want. Something for us to keep in mind when the To Do list is longer at the end of the day then the start!

Hi kiwideb.. Informative and nice article.. Nice to meet you.. Ll wait for new from you..

Nice to meet you too. How are you going with your problem going to sleep while reading posts? Any improvement?

No its still like morning i posted and readind after sometime i was feeling much tired then i slept..

I commented over on your post.

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