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RE: Fasting: I Challenge YOU to Join Me On My Next Fast [And Short Intro to Why Even Bother Fasting + Ketosis]

in #fasting8 years ago

That is amazing. For how long are you doing that? And is that a modified-Atkins you're doing or more of a pure Keto? I am curious, tell me about your breakfast :).
And thank you. I appreciate that. I love helping people with their life, health, etc. but I also know different things are right for different people (due to different circumstances, goals, etc.). So I guess the best thing is to just lead by example and hopefully people will join on some of the experiments and find something ideal for them. (Or another approach is to lead them individually, but not many people would even reach out, or think they could).

And thank you for pointing out the bug. I wasn't aware of that. Last few weeks I had very little time for Steemit due to moving to a new country, full time job, etc.

Yea, sorry for the typo :). I'm turning into a 'native speaker' and can't spell anymore :D.

Again, thank you for your help. I'd upvote you more times if I could :). But I'll make sure to check out your blog/comments during the weekend when I'll have more time. :)


LCHF based pure keto (<20g carbs/day) à la:

Breakfast looks like lunch, pretty much. I eat it at 12pm when everyone else is eating lunch. Little bit of protein, vegetables / salad (minus starchy, or super sweet), add in extra fats (olive oil, butter, avocado, mayo etc). Perhaps some salty (sea, or himalayan salted nuts). Whenever I can I sub in a piece or two of bacon and/or eggs, but it's hard when at work and eating out with the boys.

I'm usually pretty brutal with the subbing of high carb ingredients with low carb, or at least getting them to take it out completely when I order. Sometimes you get looks but most time the staff are like "whatever".

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