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RE: Fasting: I Challenge YOU to Join Me On My Next Fast [And Short Intro to Why Even Bother Fasting + Ketosis]

in #fasting7 years ago

I do a staggered IF where I do a 24 hour fast a couple of times a week.

I will have an eating window from 12pm to 6pm one day, then from 6pm to 10pm the next day. Since all my meals are very low carb, the ketosis helps me avoid hunger pangs quite well. I actually have to set alarms on my phone to tell me that I should eat.

I've done 3 and 5 day fasts in the past, my last 5 day fast with hourly finger stick blood sugar readings and heavy (for me) exercise. It wasn't until the last day, during a 3 mile hill walk, that my BG went below 70 and I had to call it off. I had wanted to win a bet that I could walk 100 miles while fasting but I only made 45 because walking 20 miles a day was just too much time out of the day!


Nice one. Nice to hear that it's easy for you to get into Ketosis. And yes, it makes "hunger" management so easy :). I barely noticed it for 1 hour of my fast but once that went I'd be able to do much longer.

And that's an interesting appraoch to IF. Do you have any particular reason behind the time intervals?
Yea man, 20 miles a day is a lot :). (Timewise). People do that when they do stuff like El Camino or the Apalachian Trail in US (I'm guessing you're from US).

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