Fasting Journal : Week 2, Tuesday Fast.

in #fasting6 years ago

So, after I posted last night, I ended up eating about 750 calories of Chicken and pork rinds. I guess that was good in one sense, as I am really low on calories. But it extended my window quite a bit. Oh well.

On average I am getting less than half of the calories I calculate I must need. So the risk is that I might lower my metabolic rate. But... fasting is supposed to prevent that, both by ketosis and lipolysis providing adequate fuel, and by the increase in HGH production stimulating the metabolism. Well see, I actually do track a lot of numbers which give me a sense of my metabolic rate beyond the simple mass/activity calculation. I have one of those sports watches that keep my heart rate, blood pressure and O2 levels on a phone app. I also use KeepTrack to record several other activities and things like ketone and blood glucose tests.

I don't post all that because I am not super OCD about it so the data is irrelevant, and I also don't want to bore my 3 readers.


Is three a magic number or something? Someone else I watch also thinks they only have three readers 🤣

I’ve been partial arse food logging since I got my Fitbit and realised that I haven’t been eating or sleeping nearly as much as think I have and definitely not as much as I should have been (which actually explains a lot), the numbers and pretty graphs are more of a mini geeky thing than anything else, I’m not nearly as hardcore as you 😜

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes, three is a magic number. Whole different topic.

One would be self pity.
Two is contrived.
Three is the first odd number that sounds a little random and anything else doesn't have the "smallness" impact. It doesn't really mean "3", it means "a small amount".

Of course, I'm not doing this for readership. It's really a journal. I look back occasionally and see what I was feeling and doing. I enjoy and appreciate when you check in with me, but I don't see why anyone else would.

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