Fasting Journal : Tuesday Fast, second week.

in #fasting6 years ago

This fast is going moderately well, all things considered.

I should really take more care during feasting days. I'm afraid I let my familiarity with fasting allow me to let my guard down a little. Yesterday's feasting was probably high on carbs (near 50 grams), simply because I didn't plan ahead.

So I filled in with macadamias, sunflower seed butter, cream cheese, olives. All good things taken one at a time, but a little much for one day. As a result, I spent most of today hungry. Previous two day fasts have been less than an inconvenience. Almost pleasant. But that's because I was careful to stay in deep ketosis. I made sure my last meal of the day was mostly protein and fat, and so I was already in a fasting mimicking state by the time I woke up for the fast.

Oh well, no looking back. I have a menu for tomorrow, even though I have a scheduled interruption in my plans. I have a friend visiting who always overstays her welcome and she plans to come right in the middle of my eating window. I think I will just move my window to earlier or later, depending on how I feel, so I can actually try to fit my feasting inside of the actual window for once.

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