Fasting Journal : Sunday Fast

in #fasting6 years ago

This is nearly 48 hours. Monday is shopping day, I leave about 11:am with some friends, so I think I will have to break my fast early so I don't make the mistake of shopping while hungry.

I'm really bad about that, I buy everything in the store, on the list or not.

So this will be about a 64 hour fast if I break at 10:am, that's fine. As always, it's not about bragging rights on the hours, it's about the effect. For me, since I am always in ketosis, autophagy probably starts after about 12 hours. Increased HGH production probably starts around 24 hours. I haven't read any good numbers on apoptosis yet, just some hints that it might increase during fasts. I don't have any actual measurements on the effects, but as I mentioned before, two of my tumors are noticeably smaller. One has gone from the size of a big coffee store cookie ( about 3" diameter by 1/2 inch thick) to less than two inches across. This was always the arguably least dangerous tumor (I won't allow biopsies), but I hope that it's decrease is indicative.

I can also record that I do not has as much loose skin as I did the last time I was this weight. I believe that can only be due to the fasting and HGH. I lost slower before (3 years), was younger, lost doing a more strict keto diet. But very little fasting. A couple of short 3 day fasts over one short period and a barely intermittent fasting schedule, maybe a 16/8 at best. I even developed a small panniculus that time and have not done so this time.

I'm going to defrost some stew meat for tomorrow and some chicken to cook ahead for Wednesday.


I'm sure some people can do it just fine but shopping while fasting seems like a potential disaster to me XD Breaking it early so you do a sensible amount of shopping seems like a good idea :) Do you plan the fasts around the shopping day?

Yes, that's actually the main reason for making the set schedule. There were other little things, but mainly that.

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