Fasting Journal : So many vegetables...

in #fasting6 years ago

It looks like I have to eat three large salads by Monday afternoon. Plus some broccoli and sprouts. And a lot of celery.

I may end up throwing some food away. My poverty upbringing makes that really hard to do.

But otherwise I feel good about going meat only. I've had a couple of debates (if that's what you call them) with vegans lately and it gives me a little enjoyment to know they will be seeing my posts on carnivorism for the next few weeks. Or months.

The last time I did strict carnivore it was for about three years. I always say I wish I had stuck with it. But I had a girlfriend who wanted vegetables in the house. And I like vegetables. And I don't have as much discipline as it might seem. Which is why I plan to get all the vegetables out of my house by Monday afternoon.


I was looking at carnivore diet out of interest the other day. Looks like something my youngest would love. The rest of us also love our veges though 😆

Are you running an experiment again or switching to a maybe permanent thing?

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I don't think I will end up being pure carnivore, because I like vegetables. Also because I just put up 6 quarts of what should be a really good sauerkraut.
But it is sort of an exclusion diet experiment for me. If I lose the inflammation and other things some people suggest, I will be very tempted to stick with it.

I've been doing carnvore + unlimited beer for about 5 weeks now. Beer seems to ease the mental anguish and I was able to go without the beer after about 2 weeks (though I'll still drink on the weekends).

Weight is down from starting at ~195 to ~175 today. I've experienced an increase in inflammation and pain to start, which I attribute to the release of sequestered environmental pollutants in my disintegrating fat stores. I've started taking bentonite clay and then mixing in some C60 in coconut oil. I figure trying to be puritanical about animal products isn't worth it versus the potential to alleviate damage while losing weight. Krill oil (4000 mg daily) seems to help increase energy and weight loss.

I'm targeting 165 lbs, wherein I'm hoping to work in olive oil and avocados for additional health/metabolic benefits if my weight will stay stable still. I'm likely going to be on this diet permanently with maybe a few cheats for my own pizza once I get to my target. I'm still getting spices in my diet, though I'm attempting to only get the flavors without the physical matter. Going to start making sausages soon, so that will inevitably get more vegetable matter into my gut.

I found this talk very interesting. If you like that one, his talk on the same channel regarding salt is worth your time.

I watch biohackers lab religiously. Great stuff.

I'm going to miss coconut and avocado the most. The only good thing is that I get to have three avocados today...
But they will be the first back in my diet when I am finished with the 'elimination test' part of this series.

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