Fasting Journal : Replenishment day 7.

in #fasting5 years ago

I am actually learning to like Liver. I cook it quickly in bacon fat and put butter on it.

So today's meals were offset a little, I didn't plan to start shifting to IF until tomorrow, but I wasn't hungry this morning so why not? At noon I had bone broth with coconut oil instead of coffee, then two eggs and one slice of bacon. Trying to adapt to my new BMR by having smaller meals.

And I've been thinking about that whole "carnivore" thing. Really, I don't have any good reason to do it. I already tried it for almost three years once, with a goal of learning to exercise while fasting. Someone challenged me to walk 100 miles with no food. I think it can be done. On a five day fast, depending on what speed you walk, that's only 6-10 hours of walking a day. I was up to 4 hours a day while fasting but then school got in the way.

So without that reason, why would I do it? I don't seem to be improved significantly by doing meat only, either before or just recently. I didn't really see drastic changes in my health or wellbeing. I'm losing weight and fasting easily on my current diet which is more paleo/keto than carnivore. Maybe a meat centric paleo/keto (which I'm calling Pastoral).

Anyway, I'll think about it some more, but I don't think it's a winning plan. Nothing wrong with it, just maybe not something I need.


Ya have to trust your gut. When I did Carnivore, I felt so drawn to it that I was sure it was right. Then when I stopped, I just knew that I'd done it long enough.

That's really the thing. I really seem to feel best when I have a mostly meat day but with a big salad too. I don't seem to care about other veggies hardly at all, but salad greens seem like something I should have. Probably the potassium.

I don't feel any need for salad, on the other hand - what I seem to need is fruit. Not very much, just two small serves a day. Small being the amount that would give me 5 grams of carbs.

I wish I could have fruit. I seem to lose all control if I have fruit or nuts in the house. I tell myself I will have one small serving - and then all my resistance disappears. I can't even say I fight temptation because there's no fight. I just fail to moderate.

While I was reducing, and weighing everything, I was able to be disciplined. Now I've got to my goal, I'm experimenting with just eating about the same without weighing anything (except fruit) and will see if I can maintain without being as pedantic. I don't seem to be having any problems sticking to the same amount of fruit (so far), but I am eating rather than more macadamias than I was!

Those things are WAY too good.

One thing I've been looking to try is having a little fruit in the middle of a big workout, which should mostly be consumed by your muscles if done right. It would feel good to have a little fruit once in a while. I just need to start working out harder so I can justify the experiment.

I add a little onion powder to my beef liver in addition to the bacon fat and heavy salt. It ups the palatability a bit more for my buds.

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