Fasting Journal : First Week, Thursday fast.

in #fasting6 years ago

This was not a difficult fast (so far), but there were a lot of temptations. There was a Christmas dinner in our building and everyone pestered me to go. I didn't.

So instead they left whole pies at my front door, and one lady tried to chase me down the sidewalk to give me a pie. They don't hear you when you say you can't have pie.

But I made it through somehow.

Now around the house I keep drifting into the kitchen. I just keep telling myself you can have that when you eat tomorrow. That's a good thing about alternate day fasting, I spend a loot of time in a fasted state, but the next feasting day is just tomorrow. I have fish, liver, and chicken prepared for tomorrow's meal.


This is a pretty crappy time of year to fast, so you're doing well XD

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I know... and things are going to go to hell when I have my Christmas visit with my friend in Orlando early January. But, supposedly, every minute spent fasting adds to my ability to rebound. Reprogramming the mitochondria or something...

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