Fasting Journal : First fasting day of EIF schedule

in #fasting6 years ago

I really need to figure out my nomenclature here. I'm happy with EIF, Extended Intermittent Fasting, but which day or hours or whatever am I in now? Don't have a name for it. Monday through Wednesday fast? Very cumbersome.

And yes, I know I am very OCD about naming conventions.

There's really only three divisions here, I could make up three names. And the common method in IF is to list the fasting period followed by the eating window.

  1. Tuesday and Wednesday, 44 hours fasting, 4 hours eating
  2. Thursday and Friday, 44/4
  3. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, 68/4

So I could call them the Tuesday Fast, the Thursday Fast, and the Weekend Fast.

But I usually think of them by their eating periods, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons.

Hmm, and really, for instance, this current fast started on Monday when I stopped eating at about 8:PM. So my Monday fast goes til my Wednesday Window, my Wednesday fast goes to my Friday Window, and my Friday fast goes to my Monday Window.

Well, I forgot to finish this and post it, and I lost my train of thought. Tomorrow is a Wednesday Feast day. That's all I know right now. It was relatively easy fasting today, especially knowing that I can have a really great eating window tomorrow.

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