Fasting Journal : Day 7 of 7.875

in #fasting6 years ago

It is actually (or will be very soon) 7 days since I last ate. But my Feasting hours start tomorrow at 3:PM

It's very hard right now. It's been hard since about midnight last night. I went to bed at 12:00 feeling very hungry, didn't get to sleep until 1:30, then woke up at 4:AM just growling hungry. It's a strong feeling right now. I often say that I won't do anything that's uncomfortable, and that I am not interested in reaching a number as much as I am in the biochemical effects, but I don't want to give up yet.

But I also always say that you will know when to break your fast by when your hunger returns. I was not hungry for 6 days, and now I am so hungry I feel sick. I've made it through 7 days, so I won't mess up my experiment. I just won't do the extra 7/8ths of a day.

Yes, I'm calling it. I will have some bone broth and scrambled eggs now and a big salad later, then regular OMAD tomorrow and for 7 days. I'm not in this to feel badly.


You seem to know enough about this kind of stuff to know when you need to modify things :) I've forgotten how long you've been doing this for already, can you see a pattern yet or still got to do it for a few more weeks?

So far, it's:
7 feasting
10 fasting
8 feasting
7 days fasting.

I'm going to try to do one more round, this feast and one more fast. I was thinking last night that doing OMAD during the feast was not helping my methodology, but that's what I started with so that's what I will finish with. What I should test is ad libitum feasting. Maybe some other time.

What I'm really testing for is if repeated multi-day fasting gets easier or harder. At this point I would say it's definitely easier to start, easy to keep going, maybe harder to complete. One more 7 day fast next week should be enough for this kind of n=1 testing.

Oh jeez I would lose count two days in x_x

Are hunger pangs stuffing you towards the end of the fasts?

I had to look ad libitum up, should have known ad lib was a short version XD

Well, this time they did. Last time it was only when I started preparing food. I hope that next time I get a different result, but if it happens again, I will provisionally conclude that repeated lengthy fasts are not sustainable for me.

I really want to go back to the 48/48/72 hour cycle. I actually enjoyed that.

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