Fasting Journal : Day 5 of 10, Halfway mark

in #fasting6 years ago

Other than a lot of temptation last night, and a little bit of fatigue today, things are going well.

I was watching some late night TV and a guy was eating a hamburger that looked really good. I immediately thought, "Well, if I break my fast now, that sets me up for the Sunday through Sunday fasting schedule."

My brain is tricky and very smart. It knows exactly what arguments I will fall for. Fortunately, I have predetermined that I will not fall for any arguments other than imminent health threats.

Then I did my stairwell walking routine. Although I have previously done 30 minutes and 5 rounds, this time I could only do 4 rounds and that took me 26 minutes. At the 3rd round I was still doing pretty good, but the 4th round just took it all out of me. I think it might be an electrolyte thing. I made a bottle of my lemon/herb/electrolyte water and I feel mostly recovered now.


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