Fasting Journal : Day 18 of 30?

in #fasting6 years ago (edited)

Not going so well. Although my energy is high and my numbers are all good, I am experiencing massive hunger and acid burps. Also having a headache and I can feel my heart in my chest and neck. I'm obsessed with food and really want to quit this fast.

Tomorrow I might try going back on coffee to see if that helps. Anything to make it through the weekend. Very unhappy about this. But, not so dedicated to the number "30" that I want to make my life miserable.

Actually just took my readings again and my BG is 48 which is actually low even for fasting. My heartbeat is 74 so not really rapid but my blood pressure is high for me 123/88

I might think about calling this for medical reasons. Maybe some bone broth tonight and see how I feel in the morning.

Edit: Did break the fast, 1 cup of bone broth followed by a piece of fish after about an hour. Now my blood pressure is back to my normal (116/75) and my blood glucose is up to 77. I'm feeling much better now.


Sounds like a good call. You can always do another burst later on. How much did you achieve of what you were aiming to get from it?

Well, unfortunately most of that is unknown.

I know that my blood sugars remained below 80 during the fast. I also know that my ketones were above 8 for most of the fast. Using the Glucose Ketone Index would suggest that I not only helped reduce my cancer growth ( but I also restored my insulin sensitivity some amount and probably was in full autophagy for over 400 hours.

That last is something that few people talking about autophagy seem to consider. And I could be wrong. But metabolic processes are not an instantaneous thing. It's not enough to just fast until you start autophagy, I believe you benefit from BEING in autophagy for successive hours.

And of course the only measurable goal (until I go in for imaging) for me was weight loss, which was 25 lbs, measured this morning, so that includes weight of food from last night.

My BG this morning was 68mg/dl which is recovery of sorts. I feel better now, but I need to arrange to get some food in the house. I did too good a job of clearing out temptations. My transportation to the store is scheduled for Monday, so I have to beg a ride or I'll end up paying a taxi.

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