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in #fastereft8 years ago (edited)



What if you found out there actually isn’t anything wrong with you. “Wait. What?!  But I’ve been abused, I have diabetes and arthritis, I  suffer from depression and addiction and I’m too fat. I’m broken. Of  course I am. Why else would I have all these problems?” 

What if all these “problems” you have are not really problems at all,  but rather strengths you developed to cope with your surroundings. Is  it possible you’re actually whole and just never realized it before? Yes, as crazy as it sounds, it’s true. You’re not broken. Quite the opposite in fact: You’re actually really strong. You see, human beings are by far the most advanced and complex beings  to ever exist. 

The modern human has been around for hundreds of  thousands of years! It would be pretty hard to survive that long if we  didn’t have the ability to adapt to our most stressful experiences. You may be saying, “OK, that’s really great but how does it relate to  my chronic migraines?” It means we are all operating flawlessly based  on our own internal belief systems – exactly like our very own  custom-made “How To” navigation guide for survival. 

We are exactly how we have to be to survive our internal  conditioning. These internal conditions can either encourage or prevent  success on any and all levels. Psychological factors can play a major  role in physical illnesses. Attention to the mind-body connection can  greatly help manage chronic pain conditions and repeated patterns,  thereby improving overall life quality. 

There is nothing to fix! There  is nothing that needs to be done to get back to an “unbroken” state. We.  Are. Not. Broken. We’re just really good at having our problems. Let’s explain. We subconsciously look for experiences that mirror the ones we already know because it’s safe and familiar,  not because we actually want them. Security equals survival. 

We  habitually tell our minds to create less than perfect outcomes because  on some level we believe the pain needs to be there for us to survive,  even after the traumatic emotional event that triggered the destructive  pattern or physical response is long gone. We can stop sabotaging  ourselves today by changing our perception of yesterday’s experiences. 

We subconsciously believe we need our problems to survive, based on  past experiences. And if we’re really good at having our problems, you  can be assured that we’re also equally as good at not having them. All  we have to do is re-route our navigation to a different destination. All  we have to do is tweak our perception of those past events. More . . . .

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