On Point : "Fashion"

in #fashion6 years ago

FASHION is something that's usually associated with luxury and glamor. People often think that being fashionable costs more than you can afford and it's only meant for the moneyed few. If you're earning just enough to make ends meet, then you can no longer be fashionable. You just need to settle on cheap clothes that are decent and presentable enough. But, let me tell you, that is a common misconception that is certainly NOT true. You can look trendy and fashionable with a limited budget. You only have to be creative and skillful.

Photosource : Pixabay.com

Here are some helpful tips that I can give you:

  • If you are only receiving a minimum amount of salary, then you don't have to buy clothes every pay day especially if you have a lot of obligations. But instead you can just purchase a few pieces of nice clothes per month. Or if you really want to buy clothes each time you receive a salary, then make sure that it's not going to affect your budget.

  • Take advantage of SALES. I know this is probably a common advice but I'm still adding this in our list anyway. Be updated with sales on different malls so you can buy quality clothes at a cheaper price.

  • Learn to mix and match. You don't really need brand new clothes to look good. A good pair of clothes and accessories is actually enough to look your best. Take references on fashion-oriented shows and magazines. You'd learn a lot from those references. Of course, you also need your smile and confidence to top it all.

  • Go to thrift stores or "ukay-ukay" and be patient enough to find the clothes that matches your taste. There are a lot of nice clothes there, you just have to be extra patient in looking for them. And no, going to "ukay-ukay" doesn't make you cheap. You're just being realistic because you know that you can't afford branded items. There's nothing wrong with purchasing pre-loved clothes. Just make sure to wash them properly. Most of them are still good to wear and you can buy them at a very cheap price. And, yeah, their prices are still negotiable (ta-dah!)

  • Don't ever sacrifice your budget just to buy expensive clothes. Remember that you have bills to pay and you cannot spend and spend on clothings. It's good to look fashionable, but if it hinders you from fulfilling your obligations, then better slow down. Priorities

Photosource : Pixabay.com

I'm not a fashion expert but I hope this article helped you in some ways. If you have any additional tips, feel free to share it on the comment's section below. I would certainly love to hear more from you, guys.


Excellent recommendations, especially that of learning how to combine clothing is usually very useful. regards

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