in #farms6 years ago


Hello friends of the farm and the rainy season begins and it is important to know what care we must take to avoid possible fungi. And today we tell you how to prevent and control rust and anthracnose, two very common problems that we can find in our plants.


LA ROYA: is a disease that can appear in the crops of vegetables and shrubs caused by a fungus. It is very easy to identify since it produces the appearance of red, yellow-orange lumps that with the passage of time turn black on the underside of the leaves and stems. It usually occurs on the leaves and stems of some shrubs, indoor plants and crops. The rust affects the plant rotting the affected part, drying it and losing foliage. Little by little, the plant is weakened since the realization of photosynthesis by it is complicated. Although never the appearance of this disease can kill the plant.
One of the main reasons why it occurs is the lack of irrigation, which causes the resistance of the plant to decrease if it does not obtain the water it needs and is more vulnerable to being infected. Another would be the excess of humidity: for this reason, its season of action is in spring and autumn, periods of recurrent rains.

A lot of humidity and heat. Especially in Spring, Summer and Autumn.
It is more likely to appear if the plant has suffered some damage such as bad pruning, broken branches by wind or pests that eat some parts of the plant.


Rust is very common and there are many types, such as rust from garlic, mint, plums, apple trees, roses, lentils and beans, birch.
The plants are exposed to many diseases that although we always try to protect some external factor such as wind, rain or pests they can cause some wound where fungi can easily access and spread throughout the plant. Fortunately, there are prevention and treatment methods that are effective. The Roya is a disease caused by fungi that attack plants, Puccinia and Melampsora are some genera of fungi that produce it.



As we know that rust is affecting our plants because of a series of symptoms that characterize it:
It appears mostly in the leaves but also in stems, flowers and fruits.
It affects almost all plants, both trees, shrubs, indoor plants, vegetables.
They are small packages of brown-orange color or reddish depending on the variety of rust.
In the beam of the leaves we will see discolorations or yellow spots and in the envés the bulks.
When the attack is serious the leaves fall.


Avoid clay substrates or try to improve the drainage of the soil by the contribution of organic matter and sand. Administer drip irrigation to prevent water from puddling and causing rots.
In tutorar the plants to avoid that when being in contact with the ground generate more humidity.
Respect the plantation frames so that the plants are not close together.
Feed the plants so they have the nutrients they need and do not get sick.
Plants that dry out due to the fungus must be removed in a bag and thrown away to prevent the spread of spores ("mushroom seeds").
Avoid wetting the leaves when watering.
After the pruning seals the wounds with healing for pruning and disinfects the tool. Eliminate parts of the plant that are already affected by the disease to prevent its spread. Create as much diversity as possible in the garden and the garden to avoid the appearance of diseases
Respect planting frames of the plant.
Respect the crop calendar


The Roya is fought in the same way as the rest of the fungi, click on each treatment to see how it should be applied correctly.
Apply nettle purine by spraying.
Remedy of Neem Oil + Sodium Bicarbonate
Milk fungicide.
Purin de Ponytail The use of totally ecological fungicides that help us fight the disease. .


ANTRACNOSIS: also called leaf spot, is a disease of the plant characterized by the presence of spots of various colors and sizes in fruits, leaves and buds of the plants. It is presented in the form of irregular spots of tan, orange, reddish, or black that are expanding. Above all, it affects the leaves, fruits and stems that, depending on the type of plant, will appear in a specific place and in one way or another. These spots expand and produce the defoliation of the branches and the drought of the fruits, causing their death. This disease is caused by various types of fungi (Discula, Septoria, Venturia, Phyllosticta, Marssonina and Colltotrichum) and affects fruit and forest trees, grasses, vegetables and vegetables. Anthracnose is not serious: it is rather an aesthetic problem. It usually acts in spring and summer, since humidity and high temperatures favor its development.


It can occur in a variety of plants and is caused by multiple fungi. Among the types of anthracnose that exist are: anthracnose of plum, cherry and peach, beans, willows, bananas and poplar, onions, garlic and leeks, strawberry, cucumber, melon, the lawn ...


If anthracnose has affected your bushes or trees, it will be best to cut the branches or parts that are infected. Now, if we are talking about herbaceous species, it is best to eliminate the whole crop in case the infection is very large. If you water and fertilize properly, you can increase the defenses of your plants and make them much more resistant to infection.
It is also advisable to remove weeds or weeds from crops to improve aeration and thus prevent accumulated water from remaining. If you carry out an analysis of the infected material, you will be able to know which fungi have attacked your plants in order to apply the correct fungicide. Weed the weeds so that the water does not accumulate and the fungus can not spread. Remove dead leaves from the ground, since the fungus is preserved there. It is also advisable to change the first substrate layer with a new one that is not infected. Disinfect the tools every time they are used so as not to contaminate other plants. If you want to know more about how to do it, you can consult the article on maintenance of garden tools. Cultivate quality seeds in places with good solar exposure, a well-drained soil and a notable separation between them. Keep the crop resistant by proper fertilization. Fungicides can be applied both in a curative and a preventive mode.


It is difficult to control both problems, but we can prevent them from spreading by following these tips: In trees it is better to cut the affected branches. In harvests that present a serious infection it is necessary to discard it all. Apply extract of horsetail, which also serves to prevent. Keep in mind that the treatment varies depending on the species of fungus that is affecting the plant.


The Bordeaux mixture is composed of a mixture of copper sulphate, water and lime.
It serves to combat fungal diseases and, although it is not so harmful to the environment, it can not be considered a 100% ecological product, given that, when washed away by rain, it usually contaminates the water.
It is perfect for controlling fungi such as anthracnose and mildew.
There are many commercial brands that have this product; however, you can make it at home by mixing 100 grams of copper sulfate and 70 grams of quicklime for each liter of water. Follow these instructions:
Dissolve copper sulfate and quicklime separately in a plastic container and stir well.
Empty the container containing the quicklime dissolved in water in another container and then add the contents of the container where you have dissolved the copper sulphate.
Mix with a wooden utensil and check the degree of acidity through the introduction of an iron object in the Bordeaux mixture. The oxidation of the iron will indicate the excess of acidity, which implies that you must add more lime until the iron is not oxidized.
You can apply it in the form of aspersion, either in trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants, in order to prevent the appearance of Anthracnose. This should be done shortly after having made the preparation.



It is produced by fungi of the species Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, acutatum and laeticolor. The first two create orange spots on the leaves of the trees and the last one can be formed on the fruits, leaves and young branches. This disease develops rapidly when the temperature oscillates above 25 degrees Celsius and the humidity is high. The spores are dispersed from these crops to the trees by wind or rain. Use fungicides that contain benzimidazole in the case of the gloeosporoid fungus and remove the affected branches to control laeticolor.


It is because the species Colleotrichum lindemuthianum is present, generating dark reddish spots on the fruits of the beans and leaves. These evolve generating a kind of whitish dryness on them. On the other hand, the seeds turn black or darkened. If you want to prevent this disease, get rid of the whole harvest when the infection is very important and do not use the contaminated seeds. Rotate the crop, and in less severe cases use a fungicide such as benomyl or Bordelés broth. Spray every 15 days until the plants start to bloom.


The fungus that produces it is called Marssonina salicicola and usually affects all willows, especially the weeping willow. This disease what it does is to generate brown spots on the leaves that progressively deform and fall. Cut the affected shoots, burn the fallen leaves and spray the trees, when the leaves begin to appear, with Bordelés broth or a copper fungicide.


It is generated by the fungus Gloesporium nervisequum and usually affects the plantains, producing the browning of the leaves and drying the young branches. The treatment of the disease focuses on cutting the affected parts and removing all the fallen leaves.
There are several types of anthracnose that affect different plants in different ways. It is important to be informed and check through a good observation to what disease we are facing. In this way we can act in the most efficient way.


We hope that weed control has been very useful for you.


Thanks for sharing this skills on how to combat Roya and antracnosis in plant to increase productivity .


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