in #farms6 years ago


Hello friend of the farm, this time I am going to talk about some of the vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. They provide large amounts of nutrients. She is the chickpea which is one of the most popular vegetables in the kitchen dishes around the world. For this reason, we present the best properties of chickpeas and how to enjoy them and how to grow them.
The chickpea (Ciecer arietinum L.) is a legume widely used throughout the world. It seems that its origin of consumption and cultivation is in the area of ​​the Far East between Turkey and Syria about 10,000 years ago.
The chickpea is very rich nutritionally. It is a food with high caloric load. It contains a large amount of vegetable protein that contains all the essential amino acids although it is deficient in methionine so that if we mix it in stews with cereals or grains rich in methionine such as rice, buckwheat we will be getting a very complete protein and high bioavailability and totally of vegetal origin.
Chickpeas do not contain gluten. Its content in hydrates is high being these of slow absorption. Its contribution of fiber is quite high, providing insoluble fiber but also a lot of soluble fiber. The chickpea is fairly easy to digest so they produce less flatulence than other legumes such as beans. Its fat content is higher than that of other legumes being a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, mostly, omega-6. It is source of vitamins of group B emphasizing the contribution of folic acid and vitamin A and a little vitamin C. the supply of minerals is very complete source of calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, potassium, sodium, selenium and zinc. The chickpeas and the whole group of legumes contain many nucleic acids. It is important to consume chickpeas from organic farming to avoid the consumption of contaminants or genetically modified organisms.



GRAIN GARBANZO: used in many traditional recipes of our cuisine and international cuisine. To cook them you have to soak them in salted water at least 8 hours before. Then put 1 part of chickpeas and 3 parts of water and cook over medium heat for 1-2 hours in a traditional pot. To diminish the flatulence of the chickpeas, the skin can be removed once cooked. Chickpeas can be purchased precooked. Chickpea flour: it is a gluten-free flour obtained from the grinding of the grain. It is widely used in international Indian, Greek and South American recipes.


FLOUR: is used in the preparation of some dishes such as Falafel or to mix it with water and use it in batters as an egg substitute.
It is a food that is essential for a healthy diet, since it contains a lot of protein. Among the nutrients that contain these rich legumes we have: - Unsaturated fats: refers to a type of "good fat", which provides great benefits for the body and cell regeneration. Chickpeas have healthy fatty acids such as Omega 6 and lecithin, essential for regulating cholesterol levels. This class of fats, prevent heart disease by regulating cholesterol levels, as well as the blockage of the arteries.

  • Healthy carbohydrates: these vegetables provide slow-absorbing carbohydrates that improve the digestion of nutrients in the body. Which, allows to use more efficiently, the energies that contain this type of food. On the other hand, these carbohydrates do not get fat, so they are suitable for any type of diet to lose weight.

  • Source of vitamins and minerals: chickpeas are an inexhaustible source of B vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and selenium. Important compounds that are found in foods of natural origin and that are necessary for the proper metabolic process of the organism.

  • Large amounts of protein: in general, vegetables contain abundant amounts of protein. In the case of chickpeas, they are legumes that provide all the amino acids essential for metabolism.



Prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Chickpeas contain a large amount of soluble and insoluble fiber that traps the cholesterol we eat in the diet, preventing us from absorbing it. They also capture the bile salts that intervene in digestion, favoring that they do not reabsorb and eliminate with the faeces, thus eliminating the cholesterol they contain. Its content in lecithins also favors the control of cholesterol. The omega-6 and magnesium promotes vascular health by keeping the arteries unobstructed and flexible.

Hepatic detoxifier: the supply of B vitamins and lecithins, favors the elimination of toxins from the liver can prevent diseases such as cirrhosis or liver cancer.
Regulation of intestinal transit: its contribution of fiber regulates intestinal transit


Diabetes: its content in fiber and complex carbohydrates makes it an ideal food for diabetics since it helps regulate blood glucose levels.

Retention of liquids: its contribution of minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, along with the contribution of vitamin C and the amino acid arginine makes it have a mild diuretic effect favoring the proper functioning of the kidneys.

Regulator of the immune system: its content in minerals such as zinc or selenium and the content of arginine regulates the immune system.
Anemias: due to its high content of iron associated with vitamin C that favors its absorption and folic acid makes it a good food to recover and prevent anemia.


Muscle pain and fibromyalgia: its content in group B vitamins favor the proper functioning of the nervous system, magnesium and potassium avoid cramps and muscle pain and, in addition, tryptophan favors the production of serotonin that is low in depressive states and associated to fibromyalgia. In fact there are dietary preparations aimed at relieving the symptoms of fibromyalgia that contain chickpea extract.

Skin conditions: the contribution of omega-6, antioxidants such as zinc and selenium and the vitamin B group improves the condition of the skin


Diet of children, adolescents and athletes: chickpeas should be in these diets to provide many nutrients and energy, for their contribution in fiber, magnesium, potassium, vitamins of group B, essential amino acids, complex carbohydrates, iron, calcium and acid Folic is ideal to cover the needs prevent constipation, cramps, anemia.

Diet of children, adolescents and athletes: chickpeas should be in these diets to provide many nutrients and energy.

Diet of vegetarians and vegans: very recommendable also for this type of diets

It is a food of great value that offers numerous benefits for the health in general.



Roasted chickpeas can be a great help to lose weight and control cravings. Since they are a great source of minerals and proteins, which represent a complete food for the organism.

It is a rich recipe, which can be combined in different ways according to the taste of each person. It is an easy and fast method of eating chickpeas that contains great nutritional properties to lose weight. This is because they offer dietary fibers, which facilitate the absorption of nutrients to provide energy to the body. Additionally, it is a state where the properties of chickpeas reduce appetite. Prolonging the feeling of satisfaction between meals, to reduce anxiety and reduce caloric intake.



It is one of the main culinary dishes in regions like the Middle East. It consists of an easy recipe to prepare, with ingredients that can be obtained at any store. Cooked chickpeas provide important amounts of fiber, carbohydrate, proteins and fats. These components are responsible for maintaining energy levels in the metabolism of the human body.

On the other hand, cooked chickpeas provide vitamins A, B, C, E, K that are essential to strengthen the immune system. Similarly, it provides minerals such as: phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium and zinc. Responsible for hardening the bony structure of the body, which helps prevent degenerative diseases of the bones.



It is an alternative to eat chickpeas in a healthy way, providing the necessary nutrients for the body. Dry chickpeas are highly recommended thanks to their nutritional properties that stimulate the strengthening of the nervous system. Avoiding, emotional disorders such as: stress, depression, anxiety and similar behaviors that affect the psychological states of people.

Similarly, dried chickpeas provide very positive properties to women during pregnancy. Since it is a food with large amounts of folic acid, a compound that prevents malformation of the fetus. Strengthening the metabolism during pregnancy, to prevent diseases that may be transmitted during the development of the fetus.



Combining chickpeas with cereals such as rice, improves the quality of the nutrients consumed. This is because they are foods with large sources of carbohydrates such as starch, a substance of natural origin. Which, promotes the slow absorption of food for better digestion of the compounds. This prevents the increase of blood sugar values ​​and allows the constant generation of energy.

For this reason, it is a highly recommended recipe for people like teenagers and athletes who maintain an accelerated pace. Since they perform great physical efforts and therefore, the body requires more energy.


The chickpea contributes a high caloric load reason why its use in slimming diets must be controlled.
No legumes should be eaten raw because they produce toxicity.
In people with high levels of uric acid, moderate consumption is recommended since it contains many nucleic acids that increase uric acid levels and may trigger gout outbreaks.
In people with hyperthyroidism, goiter or thyroid nodules due to iodine intake, moderate consumption is recommended.
People who suffer from flatulence or can not consume a lot of insoluble fiber should pass through the masher to remove the skin.

Finally, it can be said that chickpeas are an excellent source of nutrients and energy for the body. That is why it is of great importance to constantly consume this food to maintain a healthy diet. In addition, it is ideal for all ages, since it strengthens the development of the immune system



To grow chickpeas, it is best to do it after the rains or in areas with a little rainy weather. This is because the garbando is able to withstand droughts and grow only by the water that remains accumulated in the soil as a result of the rains
It is also a legume that tolerates cold and may even begin to germinate from 10 degrees Celsius, but it is best to start germinating from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius.
First you must make sure that your soil is clayey, otherwise you can have a very bad planting. These are the steps to follow:
Work the soil where your chickpeas will be
Place soil and fertilizers
Rake the area
Place the chickpea seeds
Cover with more dirt
Water and then wait 2 weeks to water again


Remember that the chickpea grows very easily in soils with very little water, since it stays with the moisture that still remains in the soil. Unless it rains, do not water the area planted for at least 2 weeks.
To know if your chickpeas are ready, the best technique is observation, that is, be very attentive to what happens with your chickpeas and wait for the leaves of the plant to turn yellow and the chickpeas are still green.


Cut the plant above ground level or above root level
Once you have piled everything, place them in the sun to dry
Wait about a week for your chickpeas to be ready



Growing chickpeas is a fairly simple task, since the plant does not require much care and is practically capable of growing by itself. However, there are certain recommendations that we can make to make the process much simpler and obtain a very good product:
The important thing about using clay soils is that they do not contain pebbles. This is because growing chickpeas in a different soil can cause them to have a very poor quality.
Although, as mentioned above, chickpeas grow in cold climates, the best temperature is 25 to 35 degrees centigrade
Eliminate the weed that grows around the chickpeas when it appears.
After 4 years, do not grow chickpeas in the same place.
Avoid growing in places where moisture accumulates frequently.
When you keep the chickpeas, you should do it in areas where the humidity goes from 8 to 10 percent.
Finally, it can be said that chickpeas are an excellent source of nutrients and energy for the body. That is why it is of great importance to constantly consume this food to maintain a healthy diet. It is also ideal for all ages, since it strengthens the development of the immune system. Go ahead and enjoy all the properties that chickpeas offer!


Thank you for taking a few minutes to read my article.


We never knew that CHICKPEAS has so much health benefits, thanks for bringing it to our notice.......


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