the great benefits of the grape (lucky fruit)

in #farms5 years ago

Good morning everyone. Today is an interesting fruit of which is known as the fruit of luck since it is very rich in vitamins and its benefits are very good for our body; It is not just any fruit, it is the best called grape, it is so good that Jesus himself said: I will not drink more of the fruit of the vine until it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God. Not only brings luck to toast with it, but its properties contain antioxidant, deuretic, energetic and can even prevent osteoporosis then we will see its benefits and vitamin properties.



Benefits and properties of the grape

It controls blood pressure: it has a high content of potassium so it is highly recommended for people suffering from blood pressure, the potassium and sodium contained in the grape fulfill the complementary functions.



Fights constipation: the grape is very good for constipation since consuming fruits with high water content helps to be hydrated and to regular bowel movements. Due to its high fiber content, it helps to promote a healthy intestinal transit.



It slows aging: this fruit because it contains a natural antioxidant helps prevent premature aging created by free radicals, grapes contain resverstrol, which has antioxidant properties and is only found in black grapes specifically on the skin.



It causes osteoporosis: when containing boron it is recommended to avoid osteoporosis especially to women when they are pregnant or menopause.

It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease: because it contains a high content of polyphenols, it helps to prevent cardiovascular disease, it also prevents the accumulation of platelets and the reduction of blood pressure through an anti-inflammatory mechanism. The grapes also contain natural anti inflammatory quercetin that can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.



It helps to eliminate liquids: the grapes have a diuretic effect that benefits the retention of hyperuricemia fluids, or drops and renal lithiasis. Its high pectin content helps eliminate harmful substances for our body.

It provides energy: the grapes can be energizing because they contain sugars and carbohydrates, which provides an important dose of extra energy (65kcal per 100g).



It prevents spina bifida: because it contains folic acid or folates, essential vitamins in the processes of cell division and multiplication that gives rise to the first place of pregnancy, it makes it very important for pregnant women preventing spina bifida and the nervous system ( neural tube of the fetus).

How can we see the grape is a fruit with very important and interesting benefits and properties that help our body a lot, organisms to keep it healthy and helping to prevent diseases. Apart from this as I said at the beginning is the fruit known as the fruit of luck is special and unique for which all families for a toast or unforgettable moments use wine that is based on grapes and it is very healthy to consume it so It is always used to toast for something special since it is to help you give luck for what you offer is a fruit that even Jesus ate and drank with what was made the well-known Lord's supper comparing the wine of grapes with the blood of Jesus.




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