in #farms6 years ago


Hello friend of the farm today we will know what are the pests and diseases of the leek and discover how to prevent and treat them.
The leek is a vegetable belonging to the Liliaceae family and whose bulb is edible. It is also known as elongated onion because its flavor is very similar to that of onions, although many more soft and sweet.
It is demanded for its beneficial properties for health, since its main component is water. Among the care we must give to the leek are the tasks of prevention and eradication of pests and diseases that may affect you and thereby damage your development.



This insect is a butterfly that lays its eggs in the leaves at the end of spring, penetrating the larvae inside the plant as soon as they hatch, since they pierce the leaves until the bud and the development of the leek is paralyzed, the leaves yellow and the plant ends up rotting and becoming so weak that it will be grass of fungi. When they are big enough, they bury themselves in the ground and spend the winter there to leave as moths next year. We must treat the plant with bacillus to prevent them from entering the inside of the head

The methods of pest control in the case of this insect are cultural, so it is advisable to advance sowing so as not to coincide with the laying of the insect. If the attack is very virulent, it is advisable to apply treatments with insecticides every 15 days or so.


In the leeks that are affected by these small insects, thrips, brownish marks can be observed. The invasion of this plague usually occurs in dry and warm summers, producing important damages in the plant. The stings of larvae and adults yellow and dry the leaves and the plant withers. They can even dry the leaves. The adult thrips are black and the nymphs, on the other hand, are pale yellow. This species is very harmful especially in hot, dry summers.

CONTROL: Surveillance and chromatic traps.

SOLUTION: Choose an insecticide to apply and eradicate this pest.


They are a species of worms that live in water and on the ground. They are usually transmitted by irrigation water, contaminated substrates, or by tools that have previously been in contact with affected areas. The leek can be attacked by this plague at any stage of its development, although it usually begins with the younger plants. These stop their growth, they bend and lose their color and their epidermis swells and breaks and even in some cases, the bulb softens. The propagators of this disease are soil, seeds and bulbs. The larvae enter the plants by the parts that are in contact with the soil (hair absorbent from the roots).
They parasitize the roots of plants, preventing the normal absorption of water and nutrients. This results in decreased growth, wilting and yellowing of the leaves. The nodules in the roots are the clearest symptom.
Leeks are susceptible to nematode attack during any phase of their development, although younger plants are more likely to be attacked. In some cases the bulb softens.

SOLUTION: Apply granular chemical treatments


FLY OF THE ONION Whitefly larvae penetrate the interior of the plant and grow inside the plant. They winter in the ground in the form of a pupa once they have been placed on the neck of the plant or on the ground. The onion fly attacks the flowers and the green organs, causing the leaf to pale and end up dying. They are fed from the inside, and this causes wounds, which can end in bacterial rot, the plant can end up dying. It is necessary to take special care in the seedbeds and seedlings, since since these symptoms are appreciated until the small plant dies, very little time passes. The damage caused in these cases are irreversible.

SOLUTION: Choose a fungicide with which to disinfect the seeds and repeat the chemical treatments every 10 days. The treatment is complicated and ecologically even more so since they are already established in the crop, little can be done. We must make crop rotations, remove the affected bulbs, in affected orchards we must make work to the soil so that the pupae die, do not incorporate organic matter before planting, as the females prefer soils.



One of the fungi that can affect leeks is the Mildew. This disease causes long, purple spots on the leaves of the leek to later burn on them, which then turn brown and wilt. The wet weather favors the development of this disease, which ends up causing the bulbs not to grow. ripen and, in intense attacks, due to the continuity of the humid and warm climate, it can become an epidemic. Its spread is through soil, infected bulbs and seeds. This fungus also affects other types of crops such as tomatoes, melons, broccoli, radishes, turnips. However, due to the conditions that require cold and moisture to develop, it usually appears in the seedling stage and in mature plants. It produces greasy-looking spots of different shades on the leaves.

SOLUTION: Cultivate in well drained soils, choosing a herbicide that helps you avoid weeds and do not grow in soils that have recently suffered from this disease. It is advisable to use fungicides as a preventive measure both in the soil and with the seeds, applying it with a spray just after the rain.
To control this disease we must avoid that the transplanted plants are infected and it is recommended to choose resistant varieties to this disease. In addition, it is important to keep the soil clear of weeds or weeds and be careful with the excesses of the irrigation water


BOTRYTIS In the leaves of the leek, yellow spots appear causing necrosis, it is a disease caused by fungi and our leeks do not get rid of it. This disease is favored by a warm and humid climate, which is why it is one of the most important diseases in the greenhouse. The most characteristic symptom is the rot of buds and fruits (known as gray rot). It can also affect some leaves but it is usually more rare.

SOLUTION: It uses chemical treatments in powder.


RUST. This disease causes reddish spots that turn later into a purple tone to make way for the spores of the fungus that attacks. The leaves dry prematurely because of the attack.

SOLUTION: Employs the use of chemical materials.


SMUT. This disease is transmitted through the soil attacking the young leaves closest to the soil and, once inside the plant, the fungus spreads reaching the leaves and infecting them. Greyish bands appear that can burst, exposing the dusty spores that reach the soil that is contaminated and can be used for future plantings for long periods of time.

SOLUTION: Disinfects the tools of culture and burns the infected plants.


WHITE PUNTA. This disease causes the tips of the leaves to turn white and the infected leaves rot causing the growth of the plant to stop. Solution: Perform rotations of long crops, since this way when you return to cultivate the soil will no longer be infected.

SOURCE pests-and-diseases-of-leek / ta-p / 152894.

Thanks for reading my article.
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Well crafted publication we are sure that with this post we would be able identify some common disease and control for them.

Thanks for sharing this post with us.


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