Lentils, cultivation, nutritional value and something else.

in #farms5 years ago

Lentils is one of the oldest cultivated plants, with a high protein content. You can successfully replace the bread and meat to a certain extent. The protein of the lentil is highly digestible and respectful with the environment, since the grains do not accumulate nitrates and radionuclides.


The lentil is an annual plant with a low branching stem up to 55 cm in height. The leaves of the lentils are complex with several pairs of narrow leaves, ending with antennas up to 6 cm long.

The lentils are self-pollinated. The flowers are white, pink or purple up to 8 mm. Double-leaf, oval or flat beans, up to 2 cm. Seeds up to 9 mm in diameter.



Site organization and soil preparation.

The best soils for growing lentils are sandy or silty soils, weakly acidic, enriched with lime and free of weeds.

The plot is selected in a well-lit place, the shade or even a weak shading will help to dislodge the green mass without the proper yield of the beans.

Preparation for planting.


Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for a day. After soaking, the seeds are dried before planting.

During the growth period, lentils are sensitive to the moisture content in the soil, so it is not necessary to delay sowing. It can be planted as seedlings in the pots, and in the ordinary way.

With a narrow row seeding method with a row spacing of up to 15 cm, the seed sowing rate is 15 g per square meter (250 seeds) or 8 g per square meter (300 seeds) for small seed varieties .

The seeds are embedded in the soil at a depth of 5 cm, germinate at temperatures above 4 degrees in a week.

Rolling the beds after sowing the lentils contributes to the appearance of stronger shoots.

Watch out

The buds can withstand short-term frost (up to 5 degrees). The optimum temperature is 17 to 22 degrees.

The lentils in the initial period of growth develop slowly, so that the soil after sprouting is torn to prevent weeds from planting and suppressing their growth.


Black aphids on lentil plants

The main pest of lentils - the pea aphid. It can also cause damage: spoonfuls, prairie moths, snails and slugs.

Lentils are prone to diseases of ascochitosis and fusarium.



As the grains mature unevenly, harvesting begins in the lower parts of the plant.

With the complete preparation of the low beans, the lentils can be cut and put on a roll. Superior bean seeds ripen when they are dried.

Immature seeds are also consumed in food. Its flavor is tender and aromatic.

Lentil straw is considered a valuable dressing for the soil. It can be grinded beforehand, it can be prikopat in the autumn to plant cucumbers, potatoes or tomatoes or it can be used to quilt the soil under the bushes in the garden.

Medicinal properties


Lentils have been used for a long time for medicinal purposes. It has the following healing properties:

  • Its fruits help to strengthen the muscles of the heart, normalize the process of blood formation.
  • Regular consumption of lentils lowers blood sugar. It is recommended to include in the diet of people with diabetes.
  • In case of gastric ulcer and colitis, the patient is prescribed a special diet, which includes the first and second lentil-based courses.
  • In its composition, even after treatment with high temperatures, there are important substances, isoflavones that support the health of women. Resist cancer cells in the breast, do not allow the tumor to spread.
  • People who use lentils are less susceptible to cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.

Nutritional value


The nutritional and medicinal qualities of lentils have been appreciated for a long time in Europe, from where it has spread to the eastern regions, where it is increasingly popular.

  • The complex proteins and carbohydrates in the composition of the lentils saturate the body, the feeling of hunger disappears for a long time, although one hundred grams of the product contain less than three hundred calories.
  • Due to the high content of proteins that are easy to digest, the grains replace the meat. This is especially important for nutrition during diets. A small serving of beans per day can satisfy a person's need for a substance as valuable as folic acid.
  • Lentils are low in fat, for one hundred grams of product there is only one gram. This amount of fat does not increase body weight, but it does provide a feeling of fullness, health and beauty.
  • The lentil differs in the content of almost all the chemical elements of the periodic table, contains vitamins of different groups. It is believed that only chocolate contains serotonin. It is not. A large amount of amino acid tryptophan is found in lentils. In the body, it is transformed into serotonin, which is called "vitamin of happiness". And with reason: the psyche becomes more stable, the person is restricted in stressful situations, the depressive states diminish with time.

Interesting facts about lentils.


  • About the lentils mentioned in the Bible: according to legend, Esau gave all his inheritance for a bowl of red lentil soup.
  • There are many varieties of lentils, and they all differ in color, taste and cooking time. For example, the red, white and yellow grains boil faster, because the skin is removed.
  • Dietary lentils contain only 1 gram of fat, in addition, 54% contains carbohydrates and 26% protein, which the body easily digests.
  • The lentil has many useful properties: it contains fiber, iron, reduces the amount of sugar. The most useful are green beans, because fiber in them is more than that.
  • The lentil is respectful with the environment. It accumulates harmful substances, nitrates, that fall in most plants due to the processing of chemical products.
  • The lentil is used not only to cook soup or garnish, but also to fill cakes, bake bread and sweets.
  • Lentils: one of the first plants, cultivated by man parallel to wheat, barley and peas. This is evidenced in the parking lot in the Middle East during the excavations.
  • In ancient Egypt, lentils were used as an aphrodisiac. In addition, residents believed that by using the grain, children become vigorous and diligent.
  • In addition to all the useful properties and the flavor of the lentils of the product quite cheap. During World War II, Americans ate grain to support the country's economy.
  • Lentils are one of the most sought after products for weight loss and proper nutrition.
  • If you regularly use lentils, you can normalize your blood sugar, so it is recommended for diabetes.
  • Due to the high fiber content, the lentil helps to get rid of constipation.
  • The lentil contains isoflavones, so its use is recommended for the prevention of cancer, osteoporosis and women with menopause.
  • Lentil first among other plants on the iron content.
  • In Latin, lentils sound like "lens", which means "lens". It was this word that he called optical lenses, which in shape resemble a grain of lentils.
  • To cook, it is not necessary to soak the lentils, unlike other legumes.
  • Of course, every useful product has harmful properties. For example, lentils can not be eaten in excess, because it can break the digestive tract. The pimples also contain purine compounds, because kidney stones appear, and the gout becomes more acute. Therefore, do not abuse the lentils, and if there are problems with the urogenital system, the joints should be consulted with a doctor.


  1. https://www.naturarla.es/lentejas-propiedades
  2. https://ecohortum.com/como-cultivar-lentejas/
  3. https://www.agrohuerto.com/plagas-y-enfermedades-de-las-lentejas/

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