Farms: new update about the project

in #farms6 years ago

Hi every one, hope u all re fine? Nice to know that your day was so wonderful. I enjoyed my night and it was so great. I am happy to write again on this wonderful platform.

Today i want to talk about the update @farms.
If you all have seen the latest post @farms, yoyu will find out that #farms is indeed progressing in their on going project based on the chicks they are rearing.
This is the latest post about the picture.
Hope you can really see that #farms id doing its possible best to improve the lives of the society and also feed the society.
We should not forget that there are commercial farming and subsistence farming.
#farms just started with a small farm whicxh is know as the subsistence farming. Subsistences farming can be handle by few persons. Unlike the commercial farming.
I know that the animal farming will grow to be a commercial farming.
Indeed operation feed the nature will be possible @farms.
We should start to think on the way will can build up farm for the ongoing project to be accomplished. We need to to unsit ourselves and took for a way will can be abale to promote @farms to the optimal. We need to contribute to the development of @farms.
We need to invite !more people to steemit in other for them ro be able to benefits from this wonderful opportunities @farms.
#steemfarms have been existing since few months from now and within this few months @farm have able to achieve some objectives.
We should not forget that before poutry farming can take place, there are some certain things you need to put in mind.
The place for the farming.
The cost for the farming.
Closest to water supply.
Also there are some certain needs you as a farmer need to put in place when starting a poutry farm.
The poutry feed
The equipment for r feeding.
The poutry house
The kind of drugs
Closest to market.
We all should help to support the development @farms. And should learn to save in other for us to enjoy the reward in the future.
Thanks for going through my post.


aww - how cute.

Wow, i am indeed grateful for this.

We @farms pleased with this publication, this is truly useful to us @farms. Indeed we @farms find this post informative and educative, thanks for sharing


(to be a part of this community; ensure to always use #farms and #steemchurch for agricultural related post)

SteemChurch Farm (@farms)

Thanks for this wondeful opportunity.

Congratulations, your post has been featured in @wafrica selected posts of the day.

Keep contributing quality contents to the rest of the Steemit community through the #WAfrica tag.

... @lordjames

Thanks. So gratreful for this.

This is awesome. Christmas chicken sales loading. Good job, keep it up.

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