in #farms6 years ago

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Everyone appears to know it. It develops all over the place. Bitter-leaf, vernonia amydalina, is an unattractive plant. Wherever it develops, it prospers. Evergreen.

The Igbos in nigeria call it Onugbu. The Yorubas call it Ewuro. The Hausas call it Shiwaka. Maybe the most unmistakable piece of the bitter-leaf plant is its bitterness. All aspects of the plant is bitter: the leaves, stems, root and bark.

Bitter-leaf is famous among the old individuals for its bitterness. In any case, the youngsters of today don't care for the bitterness of the bitter-leaf. They would rather incline toward rolls, frozen yogurt, chocolate and other sugary items. Their logic is 'Life is sweet, in this manner, nourishment must be sweet'.

The truth of the matter is that bitter herbs are useful for the body. On the existential level, they advise us that life isn't generally sweet; that life isn't 'a luxurious situation'; that both sweetness and bitterness are fundamental parts of life as are not restricted.

Bitter herbs help to condition the indispensable organs of the body, particularly the liver and kidney. The liver is the biggest organ of the body. It weights between 1-3 kg in the grown-up. Its significant capacities are (an) emission of bile and (b) arrangement of glycogen.

The liver is basic in the digestion of fats and protein; it should in this way be well dealt with. Once the liver has any imperfection, it is difficult to adjust. Each exertion must be made accordingly to keep the liver in great condition. Liquor, sugar and handled or refined sustenances can debilitate the liver and make it helpless to contaminations.

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The kidney is another critical organ in the body. The kidney is the organ that ousts squander materials from the body. It secretes pee that streams into the urethras. On the off chance that the kidney separates, there will be a general issue in the body. Bitter leaf is exceptionally valuable under the watchful eye of the kidney and the liver. It is hence that we allude to bitter leaf as a cure-all, for if the kidney and liver are sound, the entire framework will work well.

The bitter-leaf plant contains Vernodalin, Venomygdin and Saponin. Bitter leaves ought to dependably be taken new. Bubbling or cooking lessens the power of generally herbs. The Igbo individuals of Eastern Nigerian eat a great deal of bitter leaf. In any case, they regularly crush out the bitterness from the leaves previously eating it. What is left at that point, is minor waste, with almost no therapeutic esteem. Keep in mind forget that crude vegetables are superior to cooked ones.

What's more, half-cooked vegetables are superior to over-cooked ones. Bitter-leaf, as different plants, is a hallowed plant. In this way, regard it and supplicate over the plant before you cut it. We have to develop a state of mind of veneration for God's animals so we can be in congruity with them.

I have gotten notification from some unverified sources that drinking bitter-leaf water isn't sheltered. Such bits of gossip are what they are: bits of gossip and nothing more, with no logical premise.

For quite a long time, bitter-leaf has been a wellspring of wellbeing and essentialness to our precursors, and its restorative qualities are all around reported. In our synthetic and compost age, it is in reality hard to discover foods grown from the ground in their characteristic state as larger part of them have been contaminated with manure synthetics. All things considered, the accentuation ought to be in the advancement of natural cultivating, and planting, not on deceptive bits of gossip guarantees that bitter-leaf is hazardous.

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The accompanying are a portion of the numerous employments of bitter leaf.


Bite the delicate stem of the plant like a biting stick and swallow the bitterness. This is a notable solution for stomachaches. At times the throb stops inside a couple of minutes. An option is to pound the new leaves in a mortar and press out the juice. Add a squeeze of salt to three tablespoons of the undiluted squeeze and drink. This brings quick help.

▪Skin Infection:

For skin contaminations, for example, ring worm, tingling, rashes and dermatitis, the unadulterated, undiluted concentrate of bitter leaf is astounding. Just apply it to the influenced part day by day.


Diabetics ought to listen painstakingly to this uplifting news. They don't have to give up or lose trust. From time immemorial, cultivators have been utilizing the bitter leaf plant for the treatment of diabetes. Bitter leaf not just lessens the sugar-level radically; it likewise repairs the pancreas. press ten bunches of the new leaves in ten liters of water and take two glasses thrice day by day for multi month, this adds up to six glasses day by day.

▪Loss of Memory

Loss of memory can be an indication of diabetes, or an infection all alone. Whatever its tendency might be, bitter leaf is useful for this disease. Take one glass thrice every day for a minimum two months.

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▪Prostrate Cancer

Prostrate malignancy is normal among men who are more than forty years of age. Its indication is troublesome and agonizing pee, among others. Bitter leaf is useful for this disease. It builds the stream of pee and diminishes the torment, and additionally manages the spread of the cell. Basically press the new leaves in water and take a glassful four times day by day. Try not to be shocked on the off chance that you start to urinate as often as possible when you take the bitter leaf extricate. It's a piece of the purifying and mending process that your body needs.

▪General Weakness:

Do you regularly feel frail and tired? Do you need essentialness and power? At that point get up and bring a stroll into the shrub. You really don't have to walk too far to locate a bitter leaf plant. Press the leaves in water and take a glass thrice every day. Before long you will encounter another rent of vitality.


Bitter leaf arrangement quiets the nerves, fortifies the muscles and washes down the framework. I have seen what wonders bitter leaf separate has improved the situation numerous individuals and I affirm that it is great.

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Crush the new leaves of the plant in water. Take a glass-full thrice day by day. Warm the arrangement ablaze each time before drinking. Keep in mind, don't bubble, simply warm. Proceed with the solution for multi month. You don't have to crush the leaves each time you need to drink it. You can crush an expansive amount without a moment's delay and include some nectar. This will help protect the arrangement. Notwithstanding, take note of that in the event that you store bitter leaf separate for twenty-four hours or more, the bitterness will vanish or lessen.

▪Sleep deprivation

Bitter leaf separate has done miracles for those anguish from restlessness. Essentially take two glasses of bitter leaf arrangement consistently. You will encounter incredible quiet and prosperity. You may include somewhat nectar on the off chance that you wish.

▪Joint pain

Joint pain or ailment patients who have attempted bitter-leaf arrangement as depicted above verify its adequacy. It calms excited joints and kills the torment.


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