Health & Beauty. delivery number 8: The strawberry.

in #farms6 years ago

Greetings friends of steemit, welcome to my Blog.


Every day I will publish a fruit, vegetable or vegetable, highlighting its properties and benefits for health and beauty. In this way we will know more about the natural benefits that we can count on daily if we know more about the fruits, vegetables that we consume or that we see in the market and that we have not yet tested. In today's delivery I will talk about ...

It is a "fake" red fruit and heart shaped, sprinkled with small "fruits" called achenes that are mistaken for seeds. The meat is so soft and delicate that you want to eat it immediately!

Because I mentioned that it's a fake fruit?

Because the ovary that contains the germ of the future fruit grows modestly and is incorporated in the underlying part, the receptacle, which is an inflorescence. Here grows the strawberry berry where the real fruit are the achenes, those yellow seeds, present on the outside, while the tastiest part is represented by the receptacle.

Discover all the properties of strawberries!


Strengthens the immune system:

The iron, calcium and magnesium contained in the strawberry helps prevent colds and rheumatism and helps stimulate the immune system. Strawberries contain a high level of vitamin C: eating 5 equals eating an orange. Vitamin C promotes the absorption of mineral salts such as iron, useful for the formation of red blood cells but is also important for muscles.

Improve microcirculation:

Improvement of the microcirculation that has a beneficial effect on the swelling of the legs, cellulite and water retention.

Laxative properties:

Strawberries have laxative properties and promote diuresis that also provides benefits to the kidneys, and phosphorus gives cleansing properties also useful for liver health.

Anti-inflammatory properties:

Strawberries contain phenols that help us in diseases that cause inflammation. Therefore, they are useful in case of heterosclerosis, asthma and osteoarthritis.

Cholesterol decreases:

The anti-inflammatory properties of strawberries also provide benefits to those who suffer from high cholesterol and triglycerides through the action of phytonutrients that are beneficial to the entire cardiovascular system that also lowers bad cholesterol (LDL).


Vitamin C, folic acid and some flavonoids, such as quercetin and kaempferol contained in strawberries, prevent the formation of cancer cells. They also contain ellagic acid to prevent cancer.

Strengthens the bones:

The calcium and vitamin K contained in strawberries help the bones stay strong longer to prevent osteoporosis.

Protect the view:

Eating three servings a day of strawberries helps reduce eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

Against gout and high blood pressure:

Strawberries contain valuable salicylic acid for those who suffer from gout and hypertension. They help keep blood more fluid by preventing plaque formation. In addition, salicylic acid is also useful against joint pain caused by osteoarthritis and arthritis.

Improves mood:

Eating strawberries is also good for the mood, since they stimulate the production of serotonin and melanin. When we feel depressed, we can eat a beneficial portion of strawberries.

Prevent diabetes:

Strawberries contain fructose and levulose, sugars well tolerated by those with diabetes. In addition, consuming strawberries at least three times a week would help prevent type 2 diabetes.

Benefits for the stomach and intestines:

The fibers help the digestion process and give the strawberries a light laxative power, useful for those suffering from constipation. They also prevent the formation of abdominal gas. The infusion of dry leaves of strawberries is useful in case of diarrhea, but it is an effective remedy also to encourage the expulsion of kidney stones.

Protect the heart:

The anthocyanins contained in the strawberries promote dilation of the arteries, counteracting the accumulation of plaques and stimulating the cardiovascular benefits.

Improve memory:

The folic acid contained in strawberries is useful for memory, therefore, it helps to keep our brain active and also to prevent diseases such as senile dementia and Alzheimer's.


It benefits pregnant women who, if they do not have a particular allergy to the fruit, can consume strawberries that help to combat stress. They also contain folic acid, especially useful for the health of the fetus.



The anthocyanins found in strawberries and that give it the characteristic red color are powerful antioxidants that help slow cellular aging. Strawberries have been included among the foods that help to stay young in the ORAC classification (Radical Oxygen Absorption Capacity.

Losing weight and activating metabolism:

Strawberries contain enzymes that activate metabolism and help us burn fat, in addition to having few calories, therefore, they are suitable for those who want to lose weight. In addition, the feeling of satiety increases, counteracting nervous hunger. Strawberries also help to metabolize fats by fighting obesity. The ideal is to eat them away from meals.

Healthy and whiter teeth:

Thanks to the content of Xylitol, strawberries prevent the formation of plaque and eliminate the germs and bacteria responsible for bad breath. To whiten your teeth, you can prepare a natural remedy: mix the strawberry pulp with a teaspoon of baking soda and use the mixture in place of the toothpaste and then rinse well with cold water.

Strengthens nails and hair:

Strawberries contain two important minerals for hair health: manganese that delays the appearance of white hair and copper that keeps them healthy, preventing even the fall. The nails, on the other hand, become stronger, preventing them from flaking and breaking.

It favors the tan:

The melanin present in strawberries helps to tan and prevents sunburn.


When we buy strawberries, make sure they are firm, red, without dents and that the petiole is stuck. They should be consumed within three days and should be kept in a cool place. It is important to wash them only when you use them; otherwise, they will rot if they are washed and then stored.

Strawberries are used mainly for fruit salads, cakes, fruit pies, it is important to remove them from the refrigerator at least one hour before using them to lose the water they have absorbed in the refrigerator. To prepare a detoxifying and anti-inflammatory snack, you can beat them with a jar of white yogurt and a mint leaf, while, to stimulate diuresis, eat strawberries with lemon and a few drops of apple cider vinegar.

I hope you like this initiative ... you can make suggestions and propose fruits and vegetables for the next delivery.




Great post to little kid likes alot wife aswell:)

Yeah, they're rich ... and they have many properties. Thank you for your visit :)

I love this strawberry 😋😋its yummy

What don't know all this benefits comes only from strawberry ,just thought is just a fruit like other .

Thanks for enlightening me .stay blessed

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