Auyama: benefits

in #farms6 years ago


The squash or pumpkin is a vegetable that provides important nutrients to the body such as potassium, calcium, vitamin A, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. This plant of origin is American, according to studies it was already in the diet of the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs. This nutritious vegetable should be grown in a warm climate, since the plant is very sensitive to cold. There is great variety of this plant and from one place to another its way of cultivating and flavor varies.

The fruit of this plant is used in various rituals, such as Day of the Dead Day in several countries of America. This vegetable is characterized by having a color between green and orange, it has soft seeds that are also edible. It has a certain sweet taste. It is a vegetable rich in fibers.

Nutritional composition

In the following table you can see its nutritional content, for each 100 gr of auyama you contribute to the organism:

noro 1.png

noro 2.png

noro 3.png

In addition to the nutritional contribution the fruit of this plant has properties to your health:

• Fight anemia.
• It is an anthelmintic
• It is allied to arthritis, as it helps to release uric acid and improve circulation throughout the body.
• Eating your crushed seeds and mixed with brown sugar helps us to unclog the arteries.
• Its cooked leaves relieve liver conditions quickly.
• It has anti-inflammatory properties.
• Its intake is recommended for the prevention of cancer.
• It is an excellent Healing.
• Eating it helps improve our circulatory system.
• Because of its high phosphorus content good for our brain.
• The seeds of auyama are used to relieve cystitis, urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, cystocele.
• It is an excellent detoxifier of the organism.
• Because of its high fiber content, the auyama acts as a mild laxative, avoiding irritations in the intestines.
• You can fight insomnia.
• Eating auyama helps normalize blood pressure.
• Its seeds are recommended in treatments against depression for its content of tryptophan.
• The seeds of this vegetable are used to eliminate intestinal parasites
• The seeds help to level the cholesterol.
• They contribute up to 24.5% of proteins and fatty acids so it is recommended to consume them in the morning before lunch, two or three times a week.
• There are different ways to consume auyama from creams to sweet and I could be prepared in shakes.

Auyama plant

Photo by @aresbon


Muchos beneficios y muy rico, yo la uso para sopa, pero tambien he comido la de torta muy sabrosa. Tengo varias plantas sembradas echan flores y flores y todavia estoy esperando a ver si me dan aunque sea una auyama pequeña. Gracias @aresbon apoyado #topfive #steemfamilyhi

Dejando mi apoyo al #topfive

Buen post

Recibe mi apoyo de #topfive #steemfamilyhi

La Auyama es Rica. Gracias por compartir,mi apoyo desde steemfamilyhi

Dejando mi apoyo, gracias por compartir los beneficios de la auyama.

Excelentes beneficios! a mi me encanta la crema! Top Five #steemfamilyhi

También es muy rica en cremas..

Mi apoyo desde el #topfive, saludos

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