Loquat leaves: properties, benefits.

in #farms5 years ago


The common loquat tree is a tree that belongs to the Rosaceae family, its fruits, loquat, are highly prized and are a source of important vitamins such as vitamin A, B vitamins and mineral salts, but also have anti-inflammatory properties. . However, today I will focus on the fruits but on the leaves of this tree.

Few people know that even loquat leaves are rich in properties, and that they are a real natural remedy with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and, above all, hypoglycemic properties, because it helps reduce blood sugar.

The loquat leaves have several properties, some similar to the characteristics of the fruit, others quite peculiar.

Eating loquat leaves in the form of infusion can be useful in case of diabetes or prediabetes. This infusion can reduce blood sugar levels in both diabetes and insulin resistance, a condition that is often considered prediabetes.

Thanks to the content of flavonoids and carotenoids, these loquat leaves are rich in antioxidants, that is, they counteract the action of free radicals responsible for the aging of our cells.

Loquat leaves act as natural anti-inflammatories and, therefore, can reduce inflammation within our body. These leaves also have the ability to help our body's defenses work better.

Since these loquat leaves contain kaempferol, flavonoids capable of counteracting inflammation, they could be used in the future as a remedy for degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Taking loquat leaves in the form of infusion, promotes diuresis and is a concrete aid for the kidneys, both in the prevention of stones and infections.

The loquat leaves favor digestion, relieve stomach discomfort and help increase satiety.

To prepare an infusion of loquat leaves is very simple you only need 1 tablespoon of dried and chopped loquat leaves, and 1 cup of water. Bring the water to a boil, remove from heat and add the loquat leaves, letting them infuse for approximately 10 minutes, then strain and drink after the main meals.

Naturally, herbal tea should be enjoyed as is, without adding sugar or sweeteners, in this way, in fact, the most important effect of the drink, the hypoglycemic, would be lost.

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